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DeSantis tried doing what Trump does where he rails against something and threatens action, but rather than doing what Trump does which is talk big and then declare victory. DeSantis actually went through with the fight. The fights drag out and he takes harder and harder positions to defend. People dont want the fight, they want to talk big and declare victory without doing anything.

DeSantis is not helped by his campaign team either, as they seem to be perpetually online to where some of his ads are completely unintelligble to anyone that is not online all the time.

Finally, while petty, I think a lot of people liked DeSantis until they heard him actually speak. His voice is not what you would expect from a culture warrior strong man. He is also terrible at interacting with people too. Like really bad, those clips of him around other people are just hard to watch.


The problem here, I think is, is that Trump does stuff like this all the time. He says things that are absurd, or outlandish and people always say “he’s joking”, “don’t take everything he says literally”, but at what point do you take him literally?

You think for one second if he had won in 2020 he wouldnt be trying to run for reelection again? Or trying to declare himself president for life? He said multiple times his first term shouldnt count because they spied on his campaign or the impeachments. He said the US should try president for life as China had done during his term. Trump also praised Rodrigo Duterte who encouraged murdering drug users/pushers.

We can stick to facts all we want but the one thing we should do, is believe Trump when he says something.


Wait, everyone bailing at the last moment is not how one plays DnD?


I think there is like a 1% chance rate limits were an actual thing. It really feels like someone fucked something up, caused the issue and the “rate limits” were how Elon decided to try and play it. Then “increasing” the limits multiple times to completely illogical values was the system slowly coming back up. Elon increasing that limit makes him look like he is listening to the users and thus the good guy.

I have not seen anyone complain about rate limits since the day it happened. Other than jokes has anyone seen or heard of the issue?

I would say a company suddenly introducing a major policy change like view limits with no warning is beyond stupid but then again it is Elon who seems to believe he is God’s gift to tech.


I dont think people are inherently greedy. We are taught from a young age the need for money which in turn makes people greedy. Ie nurture not nature

If people grew up on small farms with only a bartering system, i dont think people would hoard resources nearly as much.

It may be i want to see the best in people but i do believe most people would rather help others than not.


I really enjoy Jeus Christ Superstar

Dont know if it is considered “good” but it is enjoyable and the music is pretty good too


I didnt even know the league was still around. After it went to youtube instead of twitch its like it fell off the map


He isnt misinformed, and is lying. This “post-birth abortion” talking point has been making the rounds off and on for a few years now.

What they are talking about is when a baby is born that has no chance of surviving, rather than forcing the hospital/parents to take life saving measures, it allows for the choice for pallative care for the baby. Its the kindest thing one could do but idiots want to associate it with abortion to make people mad. Every time i hear the phrase post birth abortion i just get sad.


I dont see how this helps at all. They can release whatever financial info they want, and even if it is super clean, the right’s response will simply be “they lied on those documents.”

Hell, it didnt bother anyone voting for him that Trump never released his tax returns ahead of the election. If he is the nominee again he won’t release his newer tax returns. So at best this becomes a gesture that isnt going to sway a single vote and will only serve to have people nitpick and create more conspiracy theories.
