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I think it is a ploy by Russia and China to get the US to hurt itself.

Mexico is key to our economic future. The manufacturing which the US is trying to onshore needs many different inputs some from lower cost labor sources. Mexico provides some of the middleish parts of the process (yes Mexican labor is more skilled than other inputs from South Asia). While the US labor pool provides the upper end. Cars, appliances, low end electronics etc. are where Mexico comes in. The US just doesn’t have the labor pool to do all of this at a decent price point.

While central and southern Mexico may not be big fans of the US. People in the North are fairly pro USA as they see a lot of economic integration. Dropping bombs on them even when we are going after the cartels is not going to keep them on our side and we will see the anti US sentiment take over the country.

It’s basically one of the few extremely dumb things we could do to royally fuck up our economy.


Interesting… so what are your thoughts on the practice of Kettling then? Police have used this tactic on protests that were properly permitted but may run afoul of the incumbent parties views.

Using your logic this seems like it is just a small inconvenience for the protesters.



I agree it was fine, a little slow at times but not a bad show. I enjoyed watching it, it’s too bad they cancelled it just as it was getting good.

Halo at its core is a first person shooter with a lot of lore built up around it. The show did a good job with respecting the lore and world building.


Perhaps you don’t value your time or the safety of those around you. But there are those of us who do.

I have no problem with protests but when you directly affect or impede people who have nothing to do with what you’re protesting it is a very serious issue. In this case it is equal to a conspiracy to kidnap someone.


The arrogance of Democratic leadership is fully on display here. I have nothing against Biden, he’s done great but he’s too old and should have known he was going to be a one term president from day one and worked to hand the mantle over to younger candidates years ago.

Now here we are months from an extremely important election and we have to debate if he is physically fit for the job. It’s obvious bullshit and a complete failure of leadership for the Democratic Party.

A lot of people are going to just vote for him because the alternative is unacceptable. However there are a lot of people in the center in key swing states who don’t follow politics, don’t understand what is at stake that may not have that same attitude. To them the age issue is front and center in their decision making process.

This is the second time Dems have put a fundamentally flawed candidate up for the presidency. They need to fix their fucking process.


I have kids, it is great knowing that I’ve successfully continued my bloodline like my ancestors before me.

While those that have not procreated will die as failures in the eyes of nature. Their bloodlines will end in 100 years it will be like they were never there to begin with.

Kids are also pretty awesome to have.


Mount a 50cal on that boat and go to work.


Hey friend, you seem to have deleted your comment. Further on down the thread.

It’s ok, I included a screenshot. Incidentally, the reason I took that screenshot is because there are many, many posters who will change their comment after the fact or delete their comment altogether to disingenuously try and shape the comment thread after the fact.

Anyways for the record I didn’t report you to the mods when you had your other comments removed.

