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I have to create an account for each instance?

No, that’s actually the beauty of it all.

Could someone explain the instances?

Imagine if now every subreddit would be located on its own server, not somewhere in a Reddit headquarters. So r/funny is now running on server with address my-server123.com and thus have address my-server123.com/r/funny. r/europe is now running on eu.gov and thus have address eu.gov/r/europe. etc. Good, but lets say I want to create a subreddit r/myFavoriteYoutuber but I don’t have a server. No problem, I contact people at r/funny and they allow my subreddit to run on their server, so its address will be my-server123.com/r/myFavoriteYoutuber. The “my-server123.com” and “eu.gov” is what we’d call an instance.

I write some extended explanation after lunch :)


This has some pros and cons:

You might say - ok but I don’t care about instances, servers and whatnot. Also now instead of one Reddit website, we have thousands of them! Do I need to register everywhere? I don’t want this, I just want to to come to Reddit and browse stuff from everywhere!

… and this is possible! Instances can communicate with eachother so with account on one instance you can connect (not login) to all the instances you want. Basically your browser or smartphone app just now needs to download posts from different servers instead of one giant Reddit server. But it needs your help, you need to specify the address of the instance otherwise it doesn’t know where to connect. This is the same as email, if you want to send an email to John Smith, you don’t just write recipient as john.smith, you need to write the server also so john.smith@gmail.com

So if I take the example from previous comment, you cannot just write that you want subscribe to r/funny because your app or browser doesn’t know where the r/funny is. You’d need to write funny@my-server123.com or europe@eu.gov. And voila, that’s basically Lemmy


I’m on Fediverse for few years and reading all the replies here I find it … sad? Funny? I really don’t know what to think of this. It looks like for many people the biggest disadvantage of federation is federation itself … It feels like people want the centralization and don’t want to have options (or rather think about the options)

Or is it an age thing? I’m kind of used to lurk the internet and find what I want. But I can imagine that people raised on f.e. Netflix, Amazon where it’s like “BAM! Here you have everything” aren’t used to this


Guys please help a confused European - is it the same as Chicken Tikka Masala? Or like Tikka Masala with butter?


Played with a knife then she got mad at me for taking it from her. Then got even more mad when I tried to explain to her why it’s dangerous. She’s 3 years old


… Are you guys for real? Since when is Reddit this centralized heaven you describe? You have r/news and r/worldnews. You have r/funny, r/memes and r/funnymemes and probably dozens of others I don’t even know about. NSFW subreddits are like on another level where every single NSFW category has like at very least 5 subreddits and people who post there crosspost constantly.

And every single other platform for commuities has the same situation - on Facebook you could have found groups NHL, NHL fans, NHL 4 life and like ten other NHL communities with duplicated names.

And yet when we come to Fediverse, the BIGGEST F*CKIN ISSUE of the entire platform is that there is fediverse@lemmy.ml and fediverse@lemmy.world


Ja teda začnem:

!youshouldknow@lemmy.world - má kopu zaujímavých a užitočných rád

!world@lemmy.world - super pre aktuálne správy

!showerthoughts@lemmy.world - klasika z Redditu, random myšlienky čo vás napadnú v sprche :)

!memes@lemmy.ml - je živá komunita na meme aj keď možno až trocha príliš živá :) V subscribed feede vidim len ju, preto rašej filtrujem podľa New

!food@beehaw.org - mám rád jedlo a toto je celkom dobrá komunita pre to

!dadsplain@lemmy.ca - veľmi príjemná komunita pre otcov, neviem či to je aj na Reddite ale páči sa mi veľmi


Actually when I think about it you are absolutely right. The ML argument is complete bullshit. I mean to train a ML algorithm an API is nice but scraping should do just as fine. I don’t know how complicated the Reddit API is but you essentially need just GET so I guess not that much. How much time would a development team need to switch the implementation from API to scrape? A week? We’re in corporate world so let’s say a month with all the corporate bs around. That’s still nothing


Omg now it finally makes sense to me why was Matter so freaked out! I was always like “Huh? She just said Headlights”
