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I’m at a tech company. It’s nowhere near prevalent, nor do I think many employees actually want it. I’d love for it to happen, though, and IMO the first place it should happen is the video games industry.


Honestly, given the amount of news that this is getting, I’m starting to think that a decision has already been made, and that the Dems are either:

  • Waiting for it to blow over, and for Biden to stay and fight
  • A transition candidate has been picked, and it’ll be either Harris or another candidate to announce themselves with an immediate campaign.

The former seems like a terrible idea. Before the debate Biden was “fine” as a candidate, and debates don’t really affect much in terms of voting intention - but dragging this out and staying on just looks bad with Trump having the (I can’t believe I’m writing this) near-assassination high after his convicted felon low.

Depending on the candidate, the latter could be a fantastic move. I’m not convinced that Kamala Harris could beat Trump, but a double-ticket of someone like AOC with either Biden or Harris as VP could be a winner. Play things coy, have Biden come out right at the end, say he’s staying on…as a VP to your new candidate, and start flooding the news and socials with the new candidate. Trump will lose his shit because the news is no longer on him.


It’s not just Windows, it’s affecting services that people that primarily use other OS’s rely on, like Outlook or Federated login.

In these situations, blame isn’t a thing, because everyone knows that a LSE can happen to anyone at any time. The second you start to throw stones, people will throw them back when something inevitably goes wrong.

While I do fundamentally agree with you, and believe that the correct outcome should be “how do we improve things so that this never happens again”, it’s hard to attach blame to Microsoft when they’re the ones that have to triage and ensure that communication is met.


Oh man that sucks, I’m really sorry for your loss.

Hopefully this cheers you up a little bit. https://youtu.be/hQp5l4-sfFA?si=ksD_ledtO1ljSU_q


This, 100%. Anyone in their mid-thirties will know just how great MySpace was for casual dating in your teens. It was back when the internet was still a wild west, and having a decent profile and an All-American Rejects song playing was enough to have women reach out.


The sad thing is that the last few years was the PERFECT time for open source to see a youth resurgence.

Almost two years ago we saw widespread layoffs across the tech industry, and tens of thousands of young people found themselves without work for long periods of time. Many of them would have killed for an opportunity to spend that time “working” for major open source projects with a small stipend for services provided. Young people can say “I was laid off at Viacom, but worked for the Linux Foundation for 6 months before finding my next role at …”

Hell, you want some hungry talent that would love to work on open source? Target those that are laid off or PIP’d while on visas, and put some legal resources behind supporting their stay in the country while they work on open source, until they find their feet again. Most of them will either go back home or will end up working at predatory consultancy firms that hire L1 or H1 workers that need to stay for their families sake, so take that conveyor belt of talent and put them to work on something useful.


My own personal opinion of him is that he’s a shrewd businessman in a world that prefers businessmen over creators. The second the public eye shifted to him he clearly had some mental episode that has only been heightened by drug use and being egged-on by the alt-right and social commentators like Rogan. Ironically, he’s become a creator, but his content is the actions of a broken billionaire lashing out.


Let’s not pretend it was just Reddit. The man literally got a shout-out in Star Trek. He had a lot of people fooled.


Starmer’s Labour probably won’t be much better. I’d say that we got rid of populists and replaced them with centrists. Labour definitely aren’t a leftist party, although to American standards they probably are.


A lot of people shit on the final season, and rightly so. The ending didn’t fit the entire narrative of Ice and Fire, Arya’s training was basically useless, Daenerys’s ending didn’t make sense

I’m yet to hear of how anyone would rewrite the final season to be good, or where the plot points are all resolved. You would need to change a LOT, particularly how you conclude with the final battle AFTER Kings Landing is taken/won. There’s a few novel ideas there:

  • Bran warging into a dragon
  • The Night King ignoring the North and going to war with Kings Landing
  • Arya using her skills at some point to attack/kill Cersei
  • Jamie’s redemption, and possible pairing with Brienne, to leave Cersei alone and unhinged. Perhaps even Jamie killing Cersei?
  • The Night King being such a credible threat that he actually takes over Westeros and the final battle being waged in Essos, or with the full “world” involved
  • Jon ascending to the throne, as prophesied - but leaving the throne and escaping north
  • Westeros just generally being destroyed and no one winning. " The dragons siding with Jon, leading to Daenerys’s madness
  • Bran slowly turning into the new Night King

So many avenues, but I’m yet to read a coherent plan.
