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Pfft, sucking your own dick is amateur. Real men toss their own salad.


While it is an uplifting game that I highly recommend, probably don’t play Spiritfarer if you have anxiety around death or dying…

Obviously, Chrono Trigger is an all-time classic with some good endings and character building. I’d recommend that too.

Perhaps RDR2 is a good idea also? You’re a part of a gang, so you’re always near or close to a camp where there are people to interact with.


If you think that’s mad, your balls can taste spice! You can test this yourself by pouring hot sauce all over your genitals.


I just don’t get why they still have him as CEO.

The man spends his time mostly on Twitter, driving it into the ground to simp for Trump. He’s taken obscene amounts of money from it, while failing to offer the simplest of products from its roadmap a decade ago - an affordable electric car.

If they don’t pivot in the next few years, they’ll run the risk of Tesla being leapfrogged to market more than it already has, with an inferior product to practically everyone that enters the EV market.

I still fully maintain that Musk will push Tesla towards making a petrol-powered car within the next few years, so IMO the board needs to get rid before that becomes a thing.


I’m actually on the side of a republic, but the ownership of the royals in the UK is…interesting.

If we were to decide to get rid tomorrow, they don’t suddenly not exist. They essentially move into a position where they are more tied to the outcome of Britain than many of our politicians, and the blocker on them holding political opinions is revoked - not that it ever fucking stopped them.

Furthermore, they outright own a lot of land, businesses, and buildings. They would own this if we got rid, and would basically hold enough capital to be multi-billionaires for many generations, if not centuries.

IMO the best thing that the UK can do is chip away at their power, while also reducing them to a point where they make income that is tied to the populace rather than making more money as crown estate custodians. If the people are poor, cut their income or push them towards more marketing of the royals to make money for the country.


Eh, there were a lot of decisions that essentially made it impossible to write a good story for the ending. Just off the top of my head:

  • Arya using her Faceless Men training once. She could have probably just paid to kill Walder Frey…
  • Zero payoff to the big Targaryan reveal - other than it pissing off Dany
  • Why Arya decided to go travelling.
  • Bran barely used his abilities. Man could’ve warged into several beasts and fought during the main battle, and outside of being a moody bitch he doesn’t really do anything other than act as bait.
  • Who was the legendary lord of light? Was it Jon? It kinda seemed like it, but it makes a lot more sense for Arya to be the one.
  • Thematically, it would have made a lot more sense for Jaime to reject Cersei, and for this to be the catalyst for her to go crazy - with Dany going crazy from achieving slow victory that chipped away at her claim.
  • Varys was too clever for his story to end like it did. IMO he should have been able to escape his capture, and fled away from Westeros.

Unpopular opinion: The show runners did the best job they could, because with the limited time they had there wasn’t really an option for a better ending. They really needed at least another two seasons, but the reason GRRM hasn’t written another book is because he knows he’s written himself into a corner - and rather than try to fix it through TV and give himself an “out” he criticised the ending he probably had a hand in creating, and won’t ever finish the story.


Chrono Trigger is a must for anyone that likes RPG’s.


It’s sad to say, but there are people that work at Amazon (IC’s, not even senior or middle management) that commute by plane.

They were hired on the basis that being 100’s of miles away wasn’t a problem, and were then told to commute to their nearest office 3x a week (now 5x). For many, spending their money on a commute is preferable to being unemployed, so some employees spend 3+ hours a day commuting, or fly in and get a taxi/train to the office.

It’s obviously not to this level, but RTO initiatives make people do stupid shit in order to stay employed…


It’s not that it was funny, it’s that they liked her and were surprised that she said what she said.


The man can’t release an affordable electric car, despite it being on his roadmap for over a decade. Cunt isn’t releasing an affordable taxi lol
