I have no sympathy for GAFAM, nor for Mozilla.
Buy a domain with privacy whois. Host email somewhere (zoho, mailbox.org or the likes). Use the domain as a catch-all address. Profit.
You can’t legally donate to Firefox, as it is developed by a Corp (Mozilla Corp.).
Donations go to Mozilla Foundation, which does… other things with you money (advocacy and, frankly speaking, a lot of unrelated crap) In other words, your money don’t go towards FF development, so you may want to think twice before donating.
You can’t legally donate to Firefox, as it is developed by a Corp (Mozilla Corp.). Donations go to Mozilla Foundation, which does… other things with you money. In other words, your money don’t go towards FF development.
So, if you donate thinking that your money helps Firefox development, you’re doing it wrong.
…And I honestly think that this is a good thing.
Well, given his surname he may have a point /s
My solution? I just blocked youtube.com at dns level in my house. Fuck it. It’s not like there aren’t books around to learn stuff from.
What happened exactly?