I already came to the conclusion myself but I was way more interested in this since I’m all about those single-player experiences, and I’m exclusively a PC gamer, so Sony’s offerings weren’t all that appealing (except for Dragon’s Dogma).
New. I didn’t need to consult some name generator this time to find something I liked. I thought about getting something crude but I’m going to be using this account for quite a while so I chose this.
I did notice Bethesda caged the seagull during the Starfield video…but he still managed to get off that crap about OnE tHouSaNd PLaNeTS.
That might be true for the main threads at the other place but I spent most of my time in every place except the defaults, so I feel less of a difference. Even so, I know there’s an uptick in quality just because there’s a bit of friction getting into the fediverse and participating.
It’s a whole new universe.