They chose to financially put themselves in a situation where they are forced to release content at that frequency because they chose to expand operations and drastically increase expenses compared to other channels. It’s their decisions that created the work cycle that is needed in pursuit of exponential growth over a more financially sustainable model that affords the luxury for a less hectic release schedule.
It’s getting old seeing people keep making they have to do it this way when it is the situation they created for themselves.
Monetizing an apology video of all things says it all.
I think people who visit here have been pretty cool. Not any worse or inferior to people with accounts here.
I didn’t know something like that was going on. Logo would be cool.
It depends on what the goal of the protest is and an assessment of whether the act is going to actually be successful in bringing about the change they want.
If that isn’t taken into account it’ll just make people more ingrained in their beliefs, and possibly increase hatred towards the groups and the cause overall. Which can just lead to increased conflict and increase extremists on both spectrums.
Sometimes then the cause just devolves into people on both sides just reveling in getting to act out their primal desires.
The adapation of the manga art is looking really good with the approach they are taking.