

0 posts • 41 comments

Hard work won’t kill you, but Y take the chance?

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I personally just don’t buy Squeenix software any longer. They’ve abandoned too many titles (mostly on mobile, but elsewhere too) and I just don’t feel good about giving them money. Last one I purchased was FF14 for the PC (which is one of the best MMOs I’ve played).

That’s just my take on things. If it happens to show up on Epic for free or Game Pass (unlikely on both, I know), then sure I’ll grab it to try.


I don’t understand why every news source has to give dump so much more time than anyone else. Who cares what he said this time. It’s the same thing every time. I guess it gets them more views (by what metric? Nielson?). CNN even said after dump’s first win that maybe they shouldn’t have given him about triple the coverage of every other candidate from both sides combined. In the interim years, CNN has still had more dump than even the current president.

This is why I do not watch news anymore. But, it matters little. Humanity, please continue our speed run to extinction.


Most kBin’ers, unfortunately: “Does not conform to my position, try again.” shakes magic 8-ball furiously

Not trying to beat a dead horse, but boy has this conflict really shown the dark side of kBin. I guess that nice federation atmosphere only applies for some topics. This place is not really any better than the other alternatives. (Edit: Still better than Reddit)


Yea but that’s only because the game has lots of pretty, moving pictures. And the books have pretty covers.

I’m American, so I can’t even read. I noticed some symbols in the show that could be conceived as trying to impart words or ideas, and it just turned me right off.

You might be asking yourself: “If I can’t read, then how did I understand and respond to this topic?”, and I would then respond: “SHUT UP VOICES IN MY HEAD!”


I’ve been doing it for so many years across all devices and platforms that I actually get…confused for a second when one slips through. It is normally YouTube that slips through (they seem to be trying new things almost daily to get around any possible ad blocks), but sometimes it is from a major news web site or something. I actually have to look around for a second and then realize what has just happened.


It sounds like you might understand the two technologies well enough, and just quickly typed your post. If you don’t understand the difference between emulation and FPGA, then please let me know (or just search for the info yourself) as that is important in understanding a lot of the “hype”.

Emulation is emulation, and some people just absolutely want the original experience, warts and all! I prefer emulation and the massive QOL it can (frequently, but not always) give us. But many people want the exact experience they initially had, or are curious about what that experience was if they were too young to live through it or just were not interested in it at the time.

The Pocket also had great-feeling controls, an excellent screen, and a very nostalgic form factor. I think devices like the Pocket and the MISTer definitely have a place in this niche community.

As for why you might not be hearing about it as much these days, I can’t give you a definite answer. Possibilities include:

  1. The horrendous ordering and shipping systems used for the Pocket may have put off the non-hardcore buyers.

  2. Newer and better retro handhelds may have removed some of the Pocket’s charm.

  3. Many people that wanted one already have them, so you aren’t seeing as many posts on social media regarding the device.

  4. People are waiting for the next big FPGA breakthrough (more systems, better devices, etc.).


I browsed around it for a good 20 minutes or so. My initial knee-jerk reaction is that I would not want to join a community with no ability to create or join specific areas that could be narrowed down to more specific topics. “Gaming” for example (and as someone else already mentioned), has to be video games, of all forms (retro, console, computer, homebrew, hacks - from all years) alongside board games, card games, browser games, children’s games, educational games, physical toys, etc. It’s a mess, to me at least. There aren’t even that many categories.

It is also very sterile-feeling. I appreciate a good old-fashioned text wall, but no options for background and text colors even? (Maybe that is an option if you are able to log into the site)


“Your attempted missile strike passed directly underneath my fuselage. I will interpret this as grabbing my genitals. Your <hand_left_wife> will now be removed. Thank you for using JeebusGPT!”

“I have completed the protein folding for test_batch_0117b. However, you seem to be a woman of loose morals. Please drink your allotment of contaminated water to proceed further. Thank you for using JeebusGPT!”

(These are actual bible rules I found just by searching for silly bible rules. I figured there would be tons, but even I was surprised by the amount)


It might just be me, but I’d really like it if the posts were not just links but also included even the slightest bit of effort to them.

In case anyone else looks here, the company in question is Annapurna, and the six games are Cocoon, Flock, Bounty Star, Thirsty Suitors, To A T, and Ghost Bike.

The link has videos for all six games, as well as release dates and the other systems those games will be released on.
