
I Cast Fist

93 posts • 3K comments

Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

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Man, these always fly right over my firewalls!


Games should always be socially acceptable, and my recommendation is for you to look for women who, even if they don’t play, would be willing to try something. Start with something that’s easy to learn and that you can play together, like Bomberman (the old SNES ones are still great). Coop will always work better at first, it makes a clear message that you’re not there “to win”, you’re there “to teach”

I strongly suspect most women don’t play because they see games as something “for boys”. Not many ever had the opportunity to play anything when they were younger and most dismiss the games they actually play, like Candy Crush or whatever, as “not really games”.

My ex never bothered with games, despite playing some flash stuff back in the late 2000’s. To her surprise, she actually enjoyed playing Tekken 6, Torchlight 2 and Kirby Star Allies, all of which I gave her a chance to play. I also presented many other games, but she didn’t show any interest, so I didn’t push them. Even my mom, who always despised me and my games, plays one of those Hidden Objects games every day (used to only play Solitaire and Freecell).

My nephews don’t have a videogame or PC for themselves, but on 2 occasions that I set up something for them to play, they had a blast, once beating each other on Street Fighter 2, the other getting lost and yelling at each other in Super Mario 3D World.


As long as this “next best thing” retains federation with Activity Pub, I might migrate. Or not. I’m already feeling like an old, change resistant curmudgeon.

As someone who’s been sold to Elixir programming, I just want more instances running with Pleroma or some fork (https://github.com/uiri/pleroma), as that already deals very well with large numbers of users with low resource usage, and scales easily.


Well, shit. While the game could mostly be seen as a living museum and hardly attractive to new people, it’s a sad thing to have so many updates and free access axed because “fuck you”. I bet they’ll completely shut it down 4 months after going subscription only, because “it’s not profitable” (no shit!)


Freelancer is an incredible game indeed. How it handled ship to ship combat was simply the best, as it was the first time I actually played “space combat” instead of “aerial dogfight in space”. Ships were plenty of fun and their strengths/weaknesses always made sense.

Ever gave Evochron Legacy a shot? It’s quite the game once you get the hang of it, though that can take a while


That’s a single slot card reader, I need something with more slots for (micro)sd cards, like a single usb stick with 4 slots for microSD cards, mounting all of them at once


The main problem is that code bugs aren’t edible
