Hahaha. Not on a whim. Bought an ender v2 last November. Hated it so returned it. Been eyeing the p1p since then. Bought one of those but before it shipped, the P1S released so cancelled and bought it.
Resin definitely prints minis better, but I don’t have a safe place for it. I’ve got 5 kids, and 3 are under 6 years old. When I upgrade to a bigger house, I’ll be buying a resin.
Is the tiling 3d printed too? Or just generic beach tileset that is bought somewhere? I have myself a new bambu p1s that I’m planning on using to print models and scenery so interested in this quite a bit.
Would love to get into TL. If anyone has an invite they’d like to pass out, please shoot one my way!
Have fibre internet, 1gb up. Typically seed a 3:1 ratio at a minimum.
Edit: Got an invite. Thanks so much everyone that offered!