- Election Lab for eligible voter count: https://election.lab.ufl.edu/voter-turnout/2020-general-election-turnout/
- CNN for party vote count: https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/president
Tool: Microsoft Excel
This would be true if the foods weren’t so extremely far apart in terms of efficiency. The least efficient legumes are still much more efficient than the most efficient beef, per gram of protein. Please see table one in the largest meta study ever done on the topic below, constituting 38,700 farms and 90% global calories consumed (also included in the documentary): https://globalsalmoninitiative.org/files/documents/Reducing-food’s-environmental-impacts-through-producers-and-consumers.pdf
I used to be uninterested in foods like broccoli, apples, oranges, and blueberries, but after a transition period I love them and have them every day. I’d like to hear anyone’s story who’s also been able to integrate more of these foods.
You’ve got this! There are a ton of benefits to going plant-based. Dominion is a great documentary to show how most (~90%) are treated, which emphasizes the importance for us to shift away (it doesn’t sound like the way you did it was as bad as this, but this is the info that made me swap away recently).
Note that an estimated 90% of global farm animals are factory farmed, and are fed monocrops like corn and soy that humans can eat. It’s about 10 times more efficient to eat the plants directly than the animals due to Trophic Levels, so if you’re worried about plants feeling pain you’d reduce their pain by eating them directly instead of their inefficient middlemen.