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My understanding is it gets the counts of dislikes from participating content creatos (the dislike count is still there, it’s just hidden except to the video authors) and for non-participating creators it uses data from the users with the extension. I think it applies some smart logic to predict the dislikes based on user feedback in that case, which may not be 100% accurate, but is likely at least somewhat close.


On a political and governmental level, I’m not proud at all personally. There is very little that our government did that I think should inspire the rest of the world to follow suit. Maybe stopping a few terrible things that it should have never been doing in the first place, but that’s hardly anything to be proud of when it’s long overdue and with still plenty of other bad things that it’s starting or failing to stop.

But as far as the people who live here go, there are a lot of them that I am proud to know and be around. There are some great people here, and maybe they are partially influenced by some good deeds from the country’s past, or at least the ideals it promoted. Not government leaders thag would affect things on a large scale, but genuinely good people who make things more bearable for those in their vicinity. Ironically some of them are in demographics that this country is not currently respecting or defending enough.


Despite Elon being insane, the idea of brain-computer interfaces could be really great. I’m thinking of people with disabilities or debilitating injuries. This could enable prosthetics with full dexterity that you can control. It could be life changing for some people.

I don’t know if that is the first thing Elon is aiming for, but any breakthroughs in the technology that could lead to it becoming a legitimate option to improve people’s lives, I think would be a good thing.


Honestly most people who use emulation probably own a copy of the games they emulate. It actually is possible to legally obtain a ROM or iso of a Nintendo game, despite how bad Nintendo wants you to believe it isn’t. You are allowed to back up software that you purchased. Do most people do it the legal way? Probably not. But effectively I think it’s all the same.

Wanna make money off your old games? Release an upgraded version. Put in the content that was left on the cutting room floor and up the resolution. Or just sell it as an emulator pack with the bare minimum requirements for it to function on the console like they did with 3D all Stars. People will probably still buy it.


Yesssss. Youtube shorts are fine except that it won’t let you navigate them like a normal video. I don’t understand why they don’t wanna have consistant layout between shorts and videos. It’s like a separate site


Twitter, despite Elon’s best efforts, is not dead yet 😆


I never knew how any of that stuff worked and never cared… until I made a dumb comment and someone gave me an award for it. Dammit, I was proud. But I still feel sour about the API changes, to the point where I don’t care what they do. Maybe drive more people out to other platforms. I’d like to see some of my Fandom communities migrate to other places.


My teachers were pretty cool and they made sure to refute any positive spins people tried to attribute to slavery. Some kids came in thinking slave owners treated their slaves just like family, and the teachers shut that right down.

I’m worried about the education system. I bet those same teachers would have gotten into trouble for saying that now, being that it is apparently against the curriculum. I always thought that outside media was misleading and that education was supposed to be the truth. Now it seems like education is misleading, and it is a scary scary thing that outside media might be leaned on to learn the truth.


I’ll be honest I did not watch MTG’s speech, and I don’t know the full context. But I don’t understand how that stuff is supposed to sound negative. She actually wrote that down and had someone proofread it and no one said “actually, this kinda makes it sound like he’s doing good things”
