

18 posts • 1.1K comments
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I greatly dislike the UI. Makes for a bad UX.

Unfortunately, the UI source is not approachable to me (despite being very familiar with web tech). Theming documentation is not there yet either.

As far as content goes, it’s still niche, so amount and usefulness varies a lot between communities and overall. But I’ve liked it in principle, posted comments, and found interesting links/infos.


Everything is small with many things without focus for obviousness.

On comments I want a vertical bar like on reddit to both see vertical thread relation and to be able to collapse it from anywhere in the thread. Instead I have to navigate to the top, locate and press visually the weak collapse button.

On post listings images thumbnails are too small, and the post has no direct link to the image. (On Reddit I hover over the image link and see the full image. The in-page preview/view specifically is a browser extension though.)

I am not using old Reddit design. I like being able to open a post, and at the end close it (click to the side of it) and be back to the listing. On Lemmy I have to work with tabs or back navigation.

On the listing the info I am secondarily interested in (after the headline or image) are not obvious. Community icons are [often] less useful than the community names. Weblinks are small and greyed out as if they were unimportant/aside when it’s the primary content of the post.

Comment upvote and downvote should be to the side, like on posts. That’d be more obvious and visually consistent. Red on downvote I find irritating. As if it were a highlight color. Reply action is not distinct enough - goes under between the other buttons.

Notifications and their linking, marking read, and toolbar are a mess too.

Dropdown for reply language selection is suboptimal to say the least.

Edit should be a primary toolbar action. Not hidden within a collapsed section. Only half the horizontal space is used even when expanded. But then visual separation is missing again between the different types of actions.


I’m not informed about it.

How does it compare to the Valve Index (for 1.080 €)?

Does it do anything better or differently?

I’m certainly skeptical it’ll be of interest to me due to the technical accessibility and price - of the Apple brand in general, and I expect this to be no different.

Looking at Wikipedia

The Vision Pro is a standalone device that runs visionOS, a derivative of iOS designed for extended reality software and controlled via motion gestures, eye tracking, and voice input.

Yeah, I have no interest. I don’t think it’s a useful product in terms of resource use and price. That won’t stand in the way of people buying it though. The price is high enough and the brand brandy enough that Apple will make it work and it’ll be worth it for them.


Windows 11.

  • Familiarity
  • Tools, Software, Workflows

Over Windows 10: Up-to-date tech stack (not necessarily anything critical)

Bad over Windows 10: Breakage through new context menu, breakage of window bar (forced grouping, no window text), introduced window bar spacing to context menu actions

Downside over Linux: Restrictions (configuration, adjustments), Annoyances (pushing of MS software and tech)

Upside over Linux: Rich usage, gaming, software ecosystem, more of a straight-forward default and customizability over many distributed options and divergence(?), usability feels better.


I’m confused about whether you argue for missing evidence not standing against gods existence or against it.

As you say, a court rules innocence when there is no proof of violation.

The equivalence to innocence is not gods existence. The equivalence to gods existence is the violation.

With a lack of evidence, the court would rule against gods existence.

(But a court ruling does not necessarily mean factual truth anyway. So I think it’s a bad equivalence / analogy. But following it would mean dismissing gods existence because no proof exists.)


UI and UX sucks for me. I would have liked to work on the UI, but the theme tech is not approachable to me. The theming seems to be coming, but just starting out with no docs there yet.


Dropdown for reply language selection is suboptimal to say the least.

How else would you accomplish that?

I have two languages configured, so it’s 3 options: undefined, en, de. 3 flag icons would suffice - make it more obvious (visual differentiation between them) and be usable with one click.

What do you mean there? There’s decent spacing and different icons. I can’t think of anything else to do besides color.

When expanded, my comment has 7 action icons. All of them are greyed out, and are visually on the same layer and type.

When I look through them I see different groups though:

  1. Voting - up and down
  2. Reply - discussion interaction
  3. save, edit, delete - comment actions
  4. view source - view option/toggle

On your comment, when expanded, I see 8 action icons. Even more. All the same visual weight with no differentiation.

  1. Upvote, downvote
  2. Reply, message - discussion interaction
  3. report, block user - issue actions
  4. save
  5. view source

What I would like to see is visual grouping of the different kind of activities. That’d not only make correlation, relation, and interaction closeness more obvious, but provide visual help to the eye in locating the desired actions. It’d also make it more obvious what the icons (which have no visible text labels) mean through differentiated association.

I’d do a DOM edit mockup, but it looks like the HTML source is minified.


And they do have a direct link, you should see it when hovering on the thumbnail, and middle clicking will open it in a new tab.

The thumbnail links to a little bigger version of the thumbnail.

Only the top right icon (small) that allows you to expand in place links to the full image.
