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The Caja file manager from MATE has a spatial mode. I think ROX-filer does as well.


I used a system with 6 GB daily until not long ago. I had to constantly restart my web browsers to reclaim memory. RAM was a constant issue. A 32 bit distro made things a lot better.


Thanks. I sure memory of this comment will carry me through the dark times.


I tip at coffee shops but somewhat erratically. The frequency is creeping up.


We are not moving on today apparently, though a few above tried.


I am not American so treat this comment with the low bystander value that it deserves.

That said, I feel like Biden needs to do a lot more.

Honestly, if I was him. I would be considering massively extreme options.

Perhaps he should address the nation and say this:

“I believe the Supreme Court has made a grievous error that threatens the Constitution, our Republic, and the freedom of the American people. They have bestowed the Presidency with powers that it should not have - powers that I as President should not have and do not want. Powers that will surely lead to our destruction.

A President is not a king. According to the Supreme Court however, I am effectively your king at this time. Based on their new law, I can in this moment, if I choose, order the execution of not just Donald Trump but every Republican in Congress. According to the Supreme Court, I can never be charged or prosecuted for these acts. The next President could order the execution of me and my family. They could execute you and your family and there would be no accountability for doing so. The next President can ensure that we never have an open and fair election again. These are not exaggerations.

It is clear that the Supreme Court intended these unprecedented legal protections to shield Donald Trump. However, as President, these powers now rest with me.

As sworn defender of the Constitution, I have taken action tonight to right this wrong and to provide a small demonstration to the American people of just how destructive these new powers are and why we can never allow the Presidency to become above the law.

As we speak, all nine Supreme Court Justices and their families have been detained and will be held without trial at an undisclosed location. Donald Trump and his family have also been detained.

The issue of Presidential Immunity will be put before the Supreme Court when they meet again on November 4th. If they find that, in fact, President’s are not above the law and do not have absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, everyone will be released. Their future, and ours, is now in their hands.

God Bless you all and God Bless America.”


You don’t think Hitler was elected? Because that was their point. Regardless of the broader forces at work, how is it not the responsibility of the electorate to elect the right government?

I do not believe he was attempting to blame anybody though. In my view, he is warning us ( well, Americans — I am not one ). He is saying that there is one chance to defend the future and, if you do not take it, you may be denied another opportunity.


Not an American and I would normally agree with your “every 4 years” thing. But given the Supreme Court decision on Presidential Immunity, you absolutely have an existential threat to democracy right now.

Not only in the US either. This could topple the whole world order.

I would welcome the old level of threat with open arms at this point.


Wind seems like a great complement to existing hydro capacity. Wind is a clean and renewable energy source which can provide considerable amounts of power. The problem of course is what happens when the wind does not blow. It is also possible to generate more than you need sometimes even when you struggle to meet demand at other times. Wind is inconsistent. It is hard to map capacity to demand.

The environmental damage of hydro is putting it in place to begin with. Once the dams are built is is pretty clean. Hydro can provide consistent power at any time. The concern with hydro is that, as you use it, the reservoirs go down. If you use it continuously, the water levels can drop faster than they are being replenished eventually leading to a problem. So, the problem with hydro is that it offers only so much total power before more dams have to be built ( which creates significant environmental damage ). You cannot really have too much capacity with hydro as you just let the water flow if the reservoirs are full.

If you are generating lots of wind power, you need less hydro and the reservoirs fill up. They act like a battery. If the wind power drops, you can ramp up the hydro until the wind comes back.

Together, hydro and wind create an electrical power system with significant capacity, consistent availability, and the ability to service spikes in demand while remaining green and renewable. Add as much wind as you need to create overall capacity. Use the hydro to smoothly match power delivery with demand.


I almost want to pay to rad the article so I can see where that paragraph came from.
