
MYWNcWR9Rgc31zkhTOsA [they/them, she/her]

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If you do decide to try monotherapy, gel is unlikely to give you blood e levels high enough to suppress testosterone production if it’s applied as directed (upper arms and thighs) https://transfemscience.org/articles/high-dose-transdermal-e2/ You can get higher levels by applying it to your scrotum, but it’s quite irritating https://transfemscience.org/articles/genital-e2-application/

If you want testosterone suppression without an AA, E injections are generally the best option. Vanna pharma is based in the uk and is reputable (not sure if I can post a link here, but the url is on diyhrt.cafe). Her product has a lower viscosity than Lena’s so you can get away with 29g fixed needles (higher gauge = thinner needle = less pain). You might need 27g or even luer syringes with a low gauge needle for drawing and a higher gauge for injecting if you order injectable e from elsewhere.

Here’s the 27g needles I used to use with Lena’s EV https://www.exchangesupplies.org/shopdisp_unisharp_fixed_1ml_green_27.php\ Drawing the product from the vial can blunten the tip a little, so occasionally an injection would be a little difficult and painful. It could also take several minutes in winter to draw 0.18ml into the syringe due to the higher viscosity.

Here’s the 29g I use with Vanna’s EV https://www.exchangesupplies.org/shopdisp_Unisharp_fixed_1ml_yellow_29.php\ These are thinner and I’m yet to have a painful injection. It takes around 15 seconds to draw 0.18ml at current temperatures (5-15C).

There are several different esters of estradiol available for injection https://transfemscience.org/articles/injectable-e2-meta-analysis/ , but the most common one is estradiol valerate which is often dosed at 0.18ml of 40mg/ml solution (0.18 x 40 = total dose of 7.2mg) every 5 days. Ideally you’d get a blood test after a couple of months so that you can check your levels and adjust your dosage accordingly.


I’ve been mostly sticking to my usual daily cardio and bodyweight routine at home, and my bum and thighs are definitely getting bigger. I split my favourite pair of jeans, my second favourite have been far too tight for several months, and I can’t afford to replace either of them. But it’s progress I guess.

We had a lot of rain here a couple of weeks ago which temporarily broke the boiler (landleech knows it keeps happening and doesn’t gaf) so I had some cold showers too. For me, they’re fine right after a workout but almost like a form of torture when you’re already freezing cold.


I made this last week to use up some leftover mango: https://holycowvegan.net/vegan-jamaican-mango-stew/\ Substituted tempeh for extra firm tofu, boiled potato for finely diced sweet potato, scotch bonnet for jalapenos, and skipped the mango puree

And this one’s pretty good too: https://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-recipe/sweet-potato-lentil-stew-vegan/


Oh no, not our precious neolib governments :((


If you’re asking for an android file manager app with a gui that will connect to sshfs, solid explorer does what you need but it isn’t foss.


Something like this should work on linux or mac. On windows you’ll probably need to use wsl or convert it to powershell if you can’t install the dependencies natively. The script requires bash, unrar, and find.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
while read -r rarfile; do
  while read -r password; do
    if unrar t -p"$password" "$rarfile" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
      echo "$rarfile $password"
    echo "$rarfile password not found"
  done < /path/to/passwords.list
done < <(find /path/to/rars -type f -iname '*.rar')

You are herby sentenced to be shot to death for the crime of being born in a certain country and not previously registering your interest in being shot to death. Absolutely cursed.
