Just an average mammal doing average mammal things.
I was rooting for him until the last three words of the headline.
I’m not referring to powerless, mouth-breathing, NEETs who normally lurk forums.
But I’m referring to comments from actual members of the Israeli Knesset, public statements from people like the OP, printed editorials in mainstream publications, and modern Israeli celebrities.
When you read through the translations not meant for western audiences - the racism pops out disturbingly. It’s such a part of their culture that they don’t even notice it as such. Zionists really don’t view people in the West Bank or Gaza as humans.
A few months ago I started using Google Translate to read what Israelis are saying amongst each other in their mainstream publications and forums.
My. God. Levels of entitlement and racism that would make a Klansman blush.
Sure, a lot of them want a cease-fire to get the hostages back … and most don’t like Netanyahu … but the average Israeli Zionist is a racist monster.
And they still get most everything they want; whereas when Dems are in charge they have to make up obscure reasons (example: Oh Noe!!! The Parlimentarian won’t let us do it!!!111) why they can’t pass popular legislation.
Those silly commies don’t understand that you have to bail out capitalists when they fail.
Empty threat is empty.
“Life Coach” is a wonderful job for people with spouses who can support them.