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Is that you Paul?

Ive been watching comedy vehicle recently. He is an absolute genius.


Honestly, it’s not a massive difference, the outer screen is a little wider which is a nice improvment, the shape of the phone is better, the cameras are miles better and the processor is better. Otherwise its not a massive jump. But my wife wants my fold 3 so i said i would upgrade to the 6 as i get discounts with my job and she can have my old one.


Had fold 3 for 3 years. The UTG is not broken. And with it being folded closed when not in use i would be more concerned about the outer gorrilla glass breaking that the flexible inner screen…


Hi, i have said this in my own response but i just wanted to say. As someone who has had the fold 3 since launch and used it for the past 3 years. I can assure you, the crease is not an issue. You cant see it when you are using the phone. It doesnt feel uncomfortable when your finger passes over it (if anything its smooth and feels quite nice) and i forget its there 99% of the time. The 1% of the time that i notice it, i dont think “godni wish that wasnt there” i barely even acknowledge it. Because it doesnt matter.

I appreciate that its a worry when you havent used one. It was for me when i got one. Until i realised it doesnt matter.

After using the phone for 3 years the crease is the same as its ever been and i would happily provide photo evidence of that if you or anyone else doesnt believe me.


Had a fold 3 since launch 3 years ago. It’s the best phone I’ve ever used. Software is brilliant and clearly a focus for samsung. The big inner screen is amazing for work and games as well as browsing. Well worth it.

The crease is just a non-issue. People see it from an angle and they think it looks bad and that it would bother them, but i assure you, when you are using the phone yourself and its facing you, like all phones that you are currently interacting with are facing you, you cannot see it. After using this phone for 3 years, i can honestly say i forget its even there.

Anyone complaining about the crease has almost definitely never used one of these phones. I hear the complaint and i can only drawn that conclusion. Its like saying you dont like a certain food that you have never tasted.

There are downsides to the fold phone that the flips wont have. Like the fold 3 is a bit heavier than most normal phones and it has sometimes been an issue when using my phone lying down somewhere as it can be cumbersome to hold up at arms length.

Also the strange aspect ratio means that video is too small to play on the outer screen and doesnt fill the inner screen. You get black boxes at the top and bottom, so video is always a little bit smaller than the inner screen. This doesnt affect games, it seems that 99% of games support the aspect ratio and often give you some level of advantage.

This would not be true on the flip phones as they have a normal screen size when open.

Incidentally, next week i am buying the fold 6 and locking in for another 3 years on a contact. If that is any endorsement.

Edit: reading throught the comments here i noticed a consistent pattern.

Those who have the folding phones cant recommend them enough and say they are the best phones they ever bought.

Those that dont have one but have a friend that has one are saying dont get one as they look bad.

(Of course there are some exceptions on both sides but a quick mental tally, and it seems that what im saying is true)

If you want to weigh in, then maybe own or have owned one before deciding they are good or bad. Your friend might disagree with your concerns about their phone.


Incredible! Now do matt walsh, steven crowder, ben shapiro or charlie kirk.


Did they seriously just ban people from wearing clothes and putting on makeup?

Will this extend to the performing arts?

Are they completely repressed or just depraved?


I just dont think that morality and politics are the same thing. I can judge a joke for its morality without it being skewed by political bias.

I think that when a former president makes jokes about nancy pelosi’s husband being attacked with a hammer, and people are laughing it up and joining in, that when someone attacks donald trump, and someone makes a joke about it, those same people should be either joining in on the joke or apologising for making their jokes in the first place.

They can’t have it both ways.

This is not a political stance because i could argue that from any side of the street. It is a moral argument that happens to be about politicians.

Replace the two subjects with anyone else, and the argument would be the same.

The thing is that i despise donald trump so much that his jokes just added to how much i dislike him. But its exactly what i expected of him and didnt lead me to despise him. No his actions as a president and as a human over the course of his career and life have lead me to that.

Kyle gas has only ever inspired me to like him. He has been a nice guy and very funny his whole career. So im inclined to think that he didnt actually wish death on the former president. Whereas if tump made the same joke i would be very inclined to think that he meant it, because he has given me very little proof to the contrary.

My view on morality is what’s skewing my opinion here, not my political bias.


My belief that kyle doesn’t wish trump harm is 100% my opinion. It may be a belief i have formed through a “distorted lense”, yes, that is very possible. But to call it a conclusion is not exactly correct. I will change my belief and draw a conclusion when the evidence is presented.

My conclusion about dave is one drawn from statements made by dave. Not his jokes, not his standup. Dave has continually reaffirmed this stance, he denies the existence of trans people and repeatedly states that there are 2 genders. A line he said comes to mind “gender is a fact” its not one incident, its many. I would say to draw a conclusion based of one incident would be “distorted” but to base it on years of anti trans rhetoric is quite a clear and clean cut conclusion to draw…


Why does it need to go to the extreme? Are you telling me you have this all figured out theres no room for improvement in your view on morality? Im navigating this as it comes. Anything i say or have said is and should always be subject to change. And im also not willing to be the one who sets the bar here. Im not the one who decides whats ok and whats not. That is a collective thing that must be decided by society. You are too adamant in your beliefs for me to take you seriously. Its not on the individual to decide. Its up to everyone.

I would say, yes there must be a point where i would condemn a comedian based on jokes they are telling. But im still working that out.

I think intent matters. I think it is a strong factor in deciding if a joke is ok or not. To me the joke was more about kyles political leanings. I dont think he was advocating for murder. I think he was using that attempted assasination as a vehicle to state he doesn’t want trump to be president. Sure, there are better ways of saying that but if you truely belive there is no room for nuance here then i belive it is a failing on your part to understand the joke as opposed to a failure on my part to have a divine sense of morality.
