

6 posts • 770 comments
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Reading comment above yours i dont think the 2.8million is correct and it also states that there are only 100,000 subreddits with over 125 subscribers and only 34,000 with more tham 1000 subs. Of the roughly 8000 subreddits that went dark there are someof the biggests subscriber counts woth some having millions of subscribers. I think based on that that its actually quite a hefty number.


Sounds great and i love your glowing ukelele. If i had something professional sounding i would post it. Gonna need to put something together. I just got an 8 string baritone ukelele and it sounds fantastic.

Hello from your communities first subscriber. I will post some videos soon.


I dunno. The lid underneath looks different to the one on top. The holes are different sizes and the indent is a different shape. Is that likely to happen? I feel like this is an attempt to relabel some other brand of coke and sell it for a slighly higher price.


Ive been using the galaxy fold 3 for 2 years now and i could never go back to one that doesnt fold. The tablet style screen has become my main screen. Its just functionally superior to any normal phone screen and if im only performing simple tasks the smaller outer screen is fine.


As a user of the galaxy fold 3 for almost 2 years i can say without a shadow of a doubt. Its not a gimmick. Ive genuinely had no issues with it in terms of durability or faults (i know there are some that did but i guess like many others i got lucky) I could never go back to a standard phone. Watching videos, browsing the web, playing games. Even stuff as simple as being able to see a whole picture without needing to zoom in to catch details, but still having the option to, has been brilliant.

Being able to use it closed for normal stuff and open for bigger stuff (honestly the majority of the time i have it open) is so functionally superior.

The camera options are great. I have a main set of cameras on the back, an under screen camera for the big inner screen and a front facing camera for the outer screen and if i want i can ipen the phone and use the main cameras as a selfie camera because the view finder can be displayed on the outer screen which when open is pointing towards me.

The multi tasking is pretty powerful too. I can have my budget open on sheets, my calculator open and my notepad open all together. I can have maps open along with my web browser for train times and my s pen notes app open for planning trips.

I guess it comes down to use case. If you dont use your phone the way i do then you might not get the same out of it as i do. But for those that do its a game changer.

But since you are fully entitled to yoyr opinion i wont expect you to change it because of mine. And i wont down vote your comment because im only here to offer the view point of someone who has used the phone for nearly 2 years (as i said before) as a different perspective.

Seriously i could never go back. Im sad that the pixel fold is not turning out to be as good as the galaxy because i was seriously considering making it my next phone. Guess ill be going for the next galaxy device.

Out of interest what about the tech is not all the way there yet? Im maybe not as clued in as you on that point as i felt like the fold 3 was the nail on the head for these types of devices.


Great news! I loved boost for reddit.

I still can’t believe spez did this. And continues to do this. What a prick


Oh absolutely. I should have been clear this was purely hypothetical. I was gone from reddit on the first day of the blackouts and havent been back. Fuck spez


Feels like reddit in here.

I think its a fair assumption. Statements like “movies suck now” are big indicators of the types of movies the person making the statement are watching. There are tonnes of excelent films out there, they just dont get the backing and advertisement that big budget films get. You have to go out and find them. There are resources all over the internet for finding good movies (big or small budget) but you have to make the effort to look and find something good. Thats just what happens when big industries get their fingers in the pie.
