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My name’s not Rick.

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The exchange:

Mehdi Hasan: We looked at your social media, and you haven’t done that many posts specifically calling out Russian attacks on civilian areas. You haven’t called Vladimir Putin a war criminal, but you have called Benjamin Netanyahu a war criminal.

Jill Stein: No, actually, we did. Yeah. In my very first remarks about the Ukraine war, we condemned —

Mehdi Hasan: Vladimir Putin is a war criminal?

Jill Stein: Yes, we did condemn —

Mehdi Hasan: And Bashar al-Assad is a war criminal?

Jill Stein: Yes, in so many words, yes, we have said as much.

Mehdi Hasan: So you called Netanyahu one, which I think he is.

Jill Stein: Oh, absolutely.

Mehdi Hasan: Is Putin a war criminal?

Jill Stein: So what we said about Putin was that his invasion of Ukraine is a criminal and murderous war.

Mehdi Hasan: And he’s a war criminal who should be on trial?

Jill Stein: Well, by implication.

Mehdi Hasan: You’re struggling here to say something very simple. This is why people have their doubts about you with Russia. Why is Benjamin Netanyahu a war criminal but not Vladimir Putin?

Jill Stein: Well, as John F. Kennedy said, “We must not negotiate out of fear and we must not fear to negotiate.” So if you want to be an effective world leader, you don’t start by name calling and hurling out that.

Mehdi Hasan: So how will President Stein negotiate with Israel then, if you’ve called Netanyahu a war criminal?

Jill Stein: Well, because he very clearly is a war criminal.

Mehdi Hasan: Oh, so Putin clearly isn’t a war criminal?

Jill Stein: Well, we don’t have a decision, put it this way, by the International Criminal Court.

Mehdi Hasan: Yes, we do. Yes, actually, actually, you’re wrong. There’s an arrest warrant for Putin and there isn’t an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, so why is Putin not a war criminal, but Netanyahu is?

Jill Stein: Yeah. Well, let me say this. We are sponsoring that war. We are sponsoring Netanyahu. He is our dog in this fight. That is why we have a responsibility to pull him back.

Mehdi Hasan: No disagreement from me at all. It still doesn’t answer my question. Whether we sponsor them or not is irrelevant.

Jill Stein: With Russia it’s far more complicated.

Mehdi Hasan: Either you’re a war criminal or you’re not. Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?

Jill Stein: In so many words, yes he is.

Mehdi Hasan: I don’t know “what so many words” — Butch [Ware, Stein’s running mate], is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?

Jill Stein: Let me say that whatever you think he is —

Mehdi Hasan: It’s not about what I think. I’m asking you. You’re running for President.

Jill Stein: If you want to pull him back, if you are a world leader, you don’t begin your conversation by calling someone a war criminal unless you have a…

Mehdi Hasan: So why have you called Biden and Netanyahu war criminals?

Jill Stein: Because we have a clear strategy and we have very strong support across the world.

How is it more complicated, Jill? The lady doth protest too much


Satire is one of the few things in this world that really cuts straight into the absurdity of humanity. I wish the solutions were as easy as pointing out what a clown car this planet is.


I love that the main criticism is that this will cause the ultra wealthy to leave the state. That just seems like a reason to implement this nationwide rather than at the state level.


I love how spineless people just assume everyone else is as equally unprincipled


“Thanks to her media persona, Yulia helped to draw attention to the problems of seriously injured people. She organized a donation campaign. Unfortunately, state programs cannot provide good prosthetics,” Ivantsiv told POLITICO. “As for the content she produces, I don’t care. It’s a media product, you can choose whether to consume it. Yulia is Ukrainian and a patriot of her country.”

Based veteran. It’s amazing how easy it is to mind your business


I refuse to help Reddit artificially juice their active users metrics by signing back in to contribute, but this is pretty funny


Good riddance
