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C’est romantique!

Plus sérieusement, quand j’étais ado, le macdo était un lieu important, un peu comme un bar pour les adultes. C’est le moment où tu peux manger des trucs bons avec tes amis, sans être chez tes parents.

Bref, je comprend.

Par contre l’indécence du community manager de macdo est à vomir.


Being a fan of engine/tableau builder, Wingspan really disappointed me. It’s not a bad game. It a very nice game, but the flow is average, at most.

Depicts some interesting ideas that push me to buy it with it’s first expansion (goal board, mix of engine and tableau building) it’s hugely luck based and the fact this game is rated 8+ on BGG, that tends to rate games mostly on advanced mechanisms and long run, is still a mystery to me.

I give it 5 plays with different peoples. Yet, I had no fun at all (I mean, zero… Watching flies around was the funniest part of my last game, sadly)… Then I played 51st State, which is a very good (yet not awesome) engine builder and have instant fun from start to end. The feeling of controlling things.

There are some highly rated games on BGG, and while I like some better than others, the ratings never seems off to me. Like “mmh, OK, I see why peoples like it”. But this offset has never been so huge with Wingspan.

So yes, I have it on my shelf, I watch its wonderful box like a disturbing mirror of my gaming tastes, knowing it’s praised by many, but I could almost try to find another table just when someone come up with the idea, while I usually really force myself to play games with different peoples because I know you will make peoples happy.

First time in my 20y of gaming, and it makes me feel so weird.

Thanks for reading me.


I suspect the fact it seems so soon means this “Switch 2” will simply be a (big) hardware upgraded Switch 1. With mostly the same design, same compatibility, but now some games would be “Switch 2 Only”.

It would break the “you have to buy everything again” that could push some customers in the hands of Valve and it’s Steam Deck. It would actually be a smart move to be the “same as Steam” (store+dedicated hardware) but with Nintendo IP.

Future will tell, but I think it’s the less risky move that could give big benefits on the long run.


Un réseau social ne se vide jamais d’un coup. C’est pour faire du drama, du buzz et se conforter (soit et les autres) dans le fait qu’on fait que le bon choix c’est de se barrer.

Mais ça n’est pas comme ça que ça se passe…

Les RS se vident sur des années, le ratio nouveau inscrits/départ diminue jusqu’à devenir comme MySpace.

Je soupçonne aussi qu’une partie des gens qui ont tenté Lemmy sont retournés sur Reddit, mais réjouissons nous que la masse critique a été atteinte : On peut avoir des avis différents et intéressants sur une bonne partie des sujets.

Ça me fait toujours sourire de voir tout le monde râler contre le capitalisme, le monopole et j’en passe. Mais personne n’est vraiment prêt à changer ses habitudes…

C’est de la rancœur, il ne faut pas le prendre comme ça. C’est à nous d’en faire un truc chouette, en opposition avec les RS habituel, d’apporter des remarques intéressante, du contenu de qualité, éviter de tout faire pour avoir raison, etc.


I’m as happy as you all, but having a teenager that starts to mod games, I realize the whole modding ecosystem of many popular games is Windows only.

Many peoples say you should play on pc because of modding. I would say from a Linux perspective, having the modding community switching to Linux is the next big step.


Avant d’arriver à des mesures aussi drastiques, on pourrait commencer par interdire la pub des jeux d’argent. Ça ferait plus consensus.


I can’t recommend enough to write your own rule summary. Write it once, and reorganize it as much as you can with the goal to teach it in a fluent way. Teaching also means giving few components to players when you explain them, simulate actions physically (When you say I draw a card, you draw a card, When you say I push ressource A token here, you push the token, etc.).

With heavy games, players expect the owner to be a teacher. Not everyone is good at this. The owner role is to ensure peoples don’t spend a bad time with the game. Teaching the rules in a engaging way is part of owner responsibility.

This is how I take it. I have few heavy game but I try to learn rules and learn to teach rules as much as I can so players feel confident after first turn.

  • Keep it portable. Steam is waiting for you Nintendo to see if it needs to release a new Steam Deck and become the only portable console.
  • Keep Switch 1 binaries working on Switch 2.
  • Shared internet access between account instead of paying a dumb and more expensive family subscription.
  • More solid hardware (joycon are an expensive joke).
  • Please, give Mii back ! It was such an awesome idea to have them in various games !

That’s such a good question, maybe everyone is dumb, isn’t it?

As a serious answer: Not the same price, not the same games.

Steam Deck is awesome thought.
