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No Chinese EV company sells more BEV globally than Tesla.

To get the advertised numbers that are higher than Tesla it includes plug in hybrids.

Edit: Until Tesla releases their Gen 3 platform, BYD may pass them in 2024 though.


People really don’t even understand the whole range thing.

All those multitude of real world tests out there that show a Tesla doesn’t get the advertised range aren’t doing the tests as the EPA tests are defined.

Yes, a Tesla doesn’t get the advertised range when you go out of the test specs, shocking.

The EPA says this is how we’re going to test the car. They even say, you can test it doing a partial test suite, or a full test suite. Tesla does the full test suite, while many others don’t. This costs Tesla more money, but does seems to work out to their advantage.

I don’t doubt that Tesla then went, okay lets design the car (set the gear) to get a good range on the test the EPA is going to use so we can advertise a good number. The EPA set the rules.

I can’t recall if it was the EPA or some other testing agency, but Tesla once even rejected their initial rating saying you did the test wrong and made them re-do the test (a door was left ajar or something), and the retest came out to the number Tesla was expecting and wanted to advertise. As per the other article something also went wrong once and the EPA made them lower it by 3%. So problems can go both ways, and both were fixed.

Aside from Porsche who have a multi gear system in their power train, everyone else has to deal with the problem of a single gear not having the same efficiency across all speeds.

There’s only a few other models out there besides Porsche (who’s different) that meet their claims at 70mph+ tests, which means they did one of two things. They either lowered their EPA approved number and advertise a smaller range than they are capable allowed, or they’re going to be less efficient elsewhere, but do good at high speeds.

If you want to perform better at high speeds (70mph+) , you’re going to perform worse somewhere else in a single gear system, but I imagine most people care about the high speeds, and people don’t seem to care about real world 25-35mph tests where cars go well past their advertised range. I don’t really blame them for this, it’s what people care about.

We really need to get the EPA to change their tests and make everyone do the same test, make the test better reflect real world driving scenarios, and probably make them advertise city/highway/high speed eMPG instead of just the single number.


The only reason GM (and others) tried to tout pouch cells is because there was a complete lack of cylindrical production capacity available. Tesla was using it all.

What are you going to do, say we’d rather use these other batteries but we can’t, so here you go?

I am ecstatic that most of the major manufactures have finally decided to transition to prismatic and/or cylindrical.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if regulations one day prevent use of pouch cells for automotive purposes.


Are you referring to Tesla’s 4680’s or the cells that Tesla gets from Pansonic?

Re: Panasonic

Tesla’s been refining their cells with Panasonic for quite awhile and have done things like substantially reduced the cobalt used compared to others (at least as of couple years ago). I’m not sure what the differences in wh/kg are compared to others today.

Panasonic is also much more efficient at making those cells at scale which gives Tesla an edge on their cost.

Tesla has always made their own batteries (the grouping of the cells). Their battery + BMS on the other hand is substantially better than other manufacturers. They can manufacture the battery much cheaper than others, and the BMS keeps it running smoothly.

For example - The Fords Mach E performance model can’t (or couldn’t) even do more than a launch or two before having to throttle itself due to heat. They currently have recalls happening due to contactors having problems with heat.

Re: Tesla’s 4680 Cells

Right now, they’re nothing special from a wh/kg perspective, what they’re main goal for them is to be substantially cheaper to manufacture than the cells other manufactures make. If you can make them for 2/3 the cost you’ll have huge advantage over everyone else, and then also you don’t have to pay the mark up to Panasonic or LG either.

Only time will tell if their chemistry/anode/cathode improvements will make their cells better than what other manufactures are producing now and in the future. Personally, I’d be nervous to get a 1st / 2nd gen version of these cells/batteries while they work things out.

Re: Solid state

If that ever happens and they are cost competitive to produce, then that’ll be a big deal ya. What if they aren’t cost competitive though?

Will you be willing to pay $10-15k more for the same range but faster charging, higher safety, and more lifecycles?

You’re right though, they are the future eventually.


Republican Presidential Debate Moderators Undergo Mandatory Genital Checks Ahead Of First Debate


If you’re using a legit toast and not some custom toast lookalike, toasts don’t show if people disable notifications.

Might wanna change that and others if it is a simple toast.


I’m too lazy to check if what you say is true, but damn, I never knew that one if so.


Was going up a really big mountain and my destination was on other side and I was in the 20km range, dropping super fast, and well below the actual distance of 40ish km.

I knew downhill regen would make it up if I peaked the crest, and there was also a l2 charger at the top, but I was still nervous as fuck as I didn’t know where the peak was.

Turns out I was right by the crest and it was okay. I did spend a few extra minutes at the charger there just in case. Of course the initial estimate was accurate and we got there with what it said plus the small charge I did at peak.


Less in proportion to your current degradation, or is it potentially unrelated?


Well then, I’m gonna have to fun fact some friends on that one.
