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You went from 3 points to -8 in like 3 hrs. But nope! No manipulation of votes going on here!!

Pretty sure u had more when i first found this thread too, back when the few comments it had were all sane.


Youre scary when mad, i love it. Keep arguing for sanity amigo.


I mean i neither said nor implied any of those things, but ok.


No. Its not a joke, but this is also not the opinion of most of us that are tired of hearing the run up to our election be spammed with nothing but how biden is singlehandedly responsible for netanyoohoos disaster.

Gaza is a genocide. The IDF is out to exterminate a culture via bombs and a refusal to providebasic life sustaining resources. That is pretty plain as far as definitions of genocide go as best as i can tell.

At the same time, im also aware that hamas was egged on by another deranged dictator to distract from the war hes waged on a country he calls a stepping stone to the denazification of eastern europe. Im aware that status quo joe is the only one of the 2 candidates that stand a chance in our election to support Ukraine, just as im aware that his stance on israel is a continuation of US policy for the past 70 yrs. I will add that im aware hes the first president ive had in my lifetime to even verbally acknowledge that what israel does is morally repugnant (calling for new israeli elections), just as im aware that US soft powers are critically endangered geopolitically as our allies fear we change our mind on whos a friend depending on whos in power. I can guaran-fucking-tee u that if Bernie was pres and tried to stop arms sales to israel, 70 senators would be ready to override him and call him an anti semite. The whole genocide joe nonsense is drummed up by foreign bad faith actors keen on installing a foreign stooge as our head of state, again, by disengaging our youth from the political process we have.

I support the protests bc i support palestine. I dont support joe biden any more than filling in the box next to his name in november. I dont support the genocide joe narrative bc i find it clear that it is being used for nefarious ends by hostile foreign powers.


Nothing new here. Russian subterfuge is a staple of their government’s external workings for most of their history. I say this as a Pole whose country has a history of being preyed on by russian propaganda and covert ops anytime the russian state decided it wanted to go imperial.


Ewww… Sanity.

Cant wait for 20 bad faith actors to drop in and downvote the shit out of u the second this post/comment starts picking up steam.

E: here they are! This post kicked off with 6 or 7 comments all echoing this sort of sanity, but here come the downvote brigade making it look like truth is less popular than fiction. Per the usual, calling it out angers the vlad supporters greatly. Of course its the usual suspects, too, come to defend their paid comrades efforts to fuck up our elections.

As someone pointed out before, its all goebbels style repetition of the same continually disproven points, but hearing it enough plants the seed in enough minds to where it starts to sound like truth.


Indeed, given that they are actually viscous liquids…
