Peachy [they/she]
Lilith bless the trans flag
I love even people add a fuckton of ear piercings for long-ear races, looks so good
Maybe the incels will figure this out and bother AI instead of women.
The median straight-cis sex session is 5.4 minutes. Studies haven’t really been completed for other types of couples, but the consensus in the queer community is that lesbian sex sessions are EXTREMELY long. Looking at a gay subreddit, it looks like 15-30 minutes is the consensus for good sex sessions. The Tik Tok ban was something like 12 hours
This comment is actually really funny /g idk the wording or something just made me laugh
Blaze has been warned about harassment already, and not just on mods. Fan didn’t threaten to ban them for critiquing our actions, although I can see how anyone else could’ve got there. Reminder that the modlog is visible to anyone, if anyone feels that we are banning people purely for speaking out, please contact Ada if you do not trust any of the other local mods to address the situation
I keep seeing comments like this about none of us having local accounts. My account is local??? I was one of the first mods brought on by Moss, so I’m not sure where this came from. I had a shitjustworks account at first, but I switched over almost immediately so maybe that was it? Our reports counter is consistently at 0.
The rest is accurate.
I agree, janitors is the correct description here. It’s not an insult.
I don’t know that we ever remove comments for “not contributing to the discussion” unless I’m just not seeing it. Ironically, our concern about some of Ada’s bans had to do with her saying that they were “participating in bad faith” which is why we asked for a more specific rules from her.
Not defending our recently actions as a group, just curious if anyone was actually banning for “not contributing to discussion” or if it was more of a random example.
California just voted to keep slavery of inmates legal, as another example of tyranny of the majority.
Bleys is right, the community should’ve been in the loop earlier. We were (ironically) worried about potentially upsetting Ada and we just kept making the wrong decisions. Obviously, the move without a (at the bare minimum) heads up was the wrong one.
We remove them when they’re reported or find them in the field. I go through most posts of the day but it’s entirely possible I didn’t click on every single comment section. The extremely long ones load really weird for me, I find that most posts with 100+ comments tended to be the issue but the community usually does a good job reporting trash comments pretty quickly.
We’ve had people assume that because a post was 1-2 days old, the comments were also exactly that old, so I’m not sure if that’s what you’re thinking of… on the more extreme side we’ve also had 7-day old posts still racking up new comments that I had to lock because it was getting out of hand.
I’m so lost in the vagueness of this comment.
I remember when Moss had to make one
of what? A local account? That was my first sentence. I have a local account.
He should have told you that
told me what? Who are you talking about? Moss?
it’s not her fault
Never said it was??? At no point did I point fingers at Ada for anything??? I’m confused by her statement that reports were frequently left to rot, which just wasn’t the case at all. She said no mods with local accounts were added and that led to reports piling up. I have a local account. I frequently saw the reports tab have zero reports. I’m not saying she’s lying, I’m confused by our difference in what happened. It’s entirely possible she mixed up report logs. I don’t know, I’m not omniscient.
not unreasonable to expect mods to… actually be able to read all reports
Again, we read all the reports. We never had more than 10 at a time even during shitstorms and the queue was constantly empty.