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Maybe they believe that the supreme court is more influenced by money than ideology?


Missed opportunity for joke about eating pussy, although that term is probably what would cause the algorithm to do this to begin with


In 1921 the first vaccine for tuberculosis came out. In 2021 1.6 million people died from tuberculosis.

The medicine existing is great, but something tells me the people who need won’t be getting it.


I’d argue that quake did far more for 3D graphics then it did for FPS. Like Doom is what got FPS into the spotlight even though Wolfenstein 3d came first. Like quake is pretty much what made real 3D possible and doable on the hardware of the time thanks to everything going on under the hood


If we’re looking into their heating capacity they should be able to heat approximately 7 and 1/2 gallons of water an hour. A lower end water heater can supply about 85 gallons of water per hour so you’d need about 11 of them to meet a small house capacity.

If we’re looking at their water holding capacity and power consumption. The average house has a 40-60 gallon water heater and a Keurig has a 48oz reservoir. You would need 107 to get to a 40 gallons capacity. When heating they use 1500 watts according to the Internet, so you’d need 160,500 watts (or 1,345.75 amps) of Keurigs to be the equivalent of a low end water heater for a house. The average 40 gallon heater uses between 4500 and 5500 watts.


Landlord messaged again a second time after his mom left saying that he’s selling the place. He also sent a few messages bragging about how he’s not going to turn off utilities in response to me telling his mom to leave.

He messaged again. Well the felon is coming back over apparently. Apparently the landlord has more stuff he wants him to get. The landlord messaged that right after work called me to see if I want some OT. I guess I have to choose between staying and reporting the guy (I don’t want to be getting charged if something happens between this guy and his gf) and getting paid. I’d prefer if he was actually sending people over for legit reasons but I guess I’m just supposed to accept the fact that 3 times in a 24 hour period different people are just going to be coming and going through my place, none with a proper notice (48 hours where I’m from, unless they are there for some kind of emergency repairs).

I’m not sure if they are smart enough to actually give a legitimate eviction notice. The message that he sent me wouldn’t fly as one where I’m at.

He’s basically just been stacking up a bunch of different behaviors and things that violate the tenant act here for the last year or so. I plan on definitely appealing the judgment with my copies of my payment information and correspondence from the landlord. If he tries to come up with an eviction that is for something wrong on my end of things instead of a no-cause one, I think his slumlord behavior wouldn’t look so great on his part. I think it would be a while before I need to get out because he’s not handling anything legally.

Knowing him I think instead of giving an actual eviction notice he’s going to assume that some vague text he sent counts and then just call the police on me. All of that probably gives me a bit of extra time to save up some money for finding a better place to stay.

Yeah sorry my thoughts are all a mess here I’m not sure if I’m properly describing the situation or getting across everything that’s happening but basically it’s been bad for a while. He doesn’t handle anything the correct way. It’s like he could have these people over all he wants if he would just send a message two days in advance and there wouldn’t be a thing I could do about it, but he doesn’t instead he freaks out when I’m not there to handle his guests or provide them access.


You don’t need to get insurance just because you have a license. You can have a license and no car.

It could help you as far as some employers will ask if you have one and a few situations like that.

There’s no real downside other than paying for the drivers license test. Even after it expires it’ll still work for an ID.


What’s extra scary is the thought that there will be no stories coming out about how this is abused. Not to say that it won’t be, just that the stories that will come out will be how scary the world is and how the police are the only ones keeping everyone safe. Meanwhile some cop is watching someone sleep, or shower, or anything else in the privacy of their own home.


I’m assuming you read it as “She’s 10” and not “She’s a 10”


My coworker’s cousin got a vaccine once and later they dropped their cell phone and cracked the screen. Coincidence, or proof of the evils of vaccination?
