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Depends on the time of year, and the species.

If it’s fucking season (spring time), and a bird like a red-winged blackbird (their sound is like okra-chee-chee-chee), I’ve had them keep flying in my face until I leave their area.

A smart bird like a crow during not-fucking season could be trying to tell you something. Especially if you are known to the murder as a nice person.


The root of the problem is not the hackers, the problem is that there is only one or two source of tickets there is to be hacked: Ticketmaster/AXS. These companies are the real scalpers here.


Thunderbird for desktop computer, K-9 mail for mobile phone.


If you can afford it, downtown Vancouver, BC is hostile to cars.

Parking surcharges (that specifically fund transit), just a few bridges and a couple main roads in and out of downtown.

Downtown eastside you got homeless people that give no shits and will cross the road whenever and block cars.

Downtown westside and all around downtown you have bike lanes, lots of people on bikes and many streets that you can’t continue straight unless you are on a bicycle.

Central downtown has a transit mall that only buses, taxis and local deliveries can use.

Most of all you have a Costco that you can get to easier by transit, bike or walking than you can by car.


I know… civilian infrastrucutre spending doesn’t count toward it which is unfortunate, but training and salaries to military personnel to accomplish civilian aims do count, and anything that can be accounted separately as specifically for military uses does count.

It’s just that we know from Ukraine and the Black Sea (and nearly every war since WW2) that it’s not necessarily who spends the most on shooty-shooty-boom-boom equipment who wins. We have to support our allies, but at home we also have many problems within our nation to deal with. With some creative thinking we could try and hit two birds with one stone, strengthen our military capability by tasking our military personnel to assist in major civilian infrastructure projects, that would help us respond to threats from both nature and our adversaries.


Was it only me that was told in school to avoid using the word “But” at the start of a sentence? I break that rule quite often, but this BBC article starts many paragraphs with that.

To address the article itself: Payday loans are awful and lead to ruin. If you’re at the point where they’re your only option, you’re already screwed.

If someone thinks that Trump as President is going to make things better, that is very much delusional thinking. No matter that you lose your rights, your immigrant friend or family members getting kicked out for no reason, and your country sold to Republican connected contractors! At least you get sent a $1000 cheque from the US treasury as a special bri-, I mean ‘gratuity’.


You know, defence spending wouldn’t be all that bad, if we could say use our Forces to build new rail, renewable energy, affordable “barracks/military grade” housing in walkable cities. Energy and infrastructure resiliency, owned by the people are important goals that would make us stronger against potential threats, invasions and the ability to ramp up production when needed to support our allies.


I’m glad that freedom loving people in France put two and two together after the RN wins in EP elections. Leftists finally found a bit of unity knowing that the consequences of a divided left front would usher in the right wing.

Macron didn’t accept the resignation offer from PM Attal, but it’s totally Macron’s fault for putting France in this unstable position, just in time for les Jeux Olympiques.


I’d call it enhancing the police response or providing additional support.
