
✨Abigail Watson✨

40 posts • 156 comments
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Girlfriends, going to the bathroom together, spending a lot of time in there? 🧐 The team is going to start some rumors…


It depends on what variant you get. Older strains could become symptomatic up to a week later, newer strains as little as 1-2 days. It’s nearly impossible for the average person to know what strain they have and the older ones are still floating around.


At my last interview, I was already making 10k more than their ceiling. I just said “my current salary is x, I’m not looking for a pay raise but could you match it?”. They did! I think it was a one two punch of showing off my worth with having a high salary but also being humble by not asking for more. It also helps to approach it as a matter of fact yes or no question and not as a negotiation.


My work sends out fake phishing emails and the people who click them get in trouble. Of course, they always come from one particular address that I blocked.

I wish they’d do more realistic emails though. “You won a prize you didn’t apply for!” is pretty basic. If it was one of those fake invoice PDFs I always get on my personal, I’d totally let a trojan onto the work network.


I tried reading Mort, but it’s very… dense. While I do enjoy the occasional book with flowery, descriptive language, I got a quarter of the way through it and no real plot happened.


Ugh, I used to follow a wildlife channel. The head of their YouTube had a kid, and then every other video was her repeating “can you say jackal?” over and over and OVER. I’m here for wildlife videos, not to watch your kid ignore the camera getting shoved in their face. But everyone was super positive towards the first kid video and she thought it was encouragement. For shame.


Being a teenage girl in the 50s must have been awful. I’ve also seen a lot of ads from that era for girls that are too skinny and need to gain weight. The acceptable “pretty” range must’ve been really small.


Accounting is a goddamn mess. There’s lots of mistakes in accounting, finance, banking, etc but we’re supposed to act to outsiders like they never happen. Publicly traded companies (US) get audited every year, but no audit company would give a paying customer a failing grade. New grads are funneled into working for public firms - the 10 or so companies that cater to the world’s audit, tax, and consulting needs. They’re supposed to teach discipline, but in reality they only teach you security theater. You’re worked to the bone until you either burn out or agree to perpetuate the system to keep your job.

And the only reason it continues to work is society’s social contract agreeing that it has to work because we don’t have any other options. All it takes is the rumors that the idea is failing - like in the silicon valley bank run - and we’re all out of luck. With the speed of information these days all it takes is a few minutes for a situation to spiral out of control. It’s bonkers.

I got into accounting because I enjoyed bookkeeping in high school. Now that I’m in it I refuse to work for anything larger than a mid sized, non public company.


Where I live we call it “Minnesota nice”. As a transplant I can’t speak it well, so I have no idea what anyone thinks of me. It’s pretty frustrating.
