

4 posts • 49 comments
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I agree. Came from reddit in June. Lemmy has been a very friendly place. I just posted for advice with a typo in the title. Noone even mentioned it. No belittling advice or bickering. Just kindness and helpfulness.


I would imagine it is as follows:

  1. Come up with ideas or goal to accomplish /be given said goal

  2. spend large amount of time looking at existing code or prior implementation of your stated goal.

  3. attempt to write or import some code tailored to your specific needs

  4. test and identify problem areas

  5. find everything fails spectacularly and start over +/- tears.

  6. repeat until successful or dead


People think that the immune system is like this pinpoint accurate machine that kills invaders. In reality, it is more like a carpet bomber that functions under the principle that we can heal and viruses/bacteria cannot. Inflammation is basically your body carpet bombing and healing.

We would also not be able to build muscle mass as the repair of microtears is what leads to hypertrophy.

So we would all be dead. Healing if fundamental to life.


This is literally the reason I set up a PiHole.


Doctor here in general practice.

This works well in principle. One of many problems here is healthcare need is not spread around uniformly. In your example you just consider number of people and number of providers. This is ok of you are just thinking of primary care (it works like this in many places). It breaks down when there are surges. What happens during flu season? What happens if there is a fire and 30 people need treatment for smoke inhalation. What happens when the doctor needs to take a vacation or gets COVID during flu season? There is redundancy built into a larger healthcare system which makes access more robust over a wider range of conditions.

Also, doctor’s don’t always want to work in all places.it can be harder to recruit doctors to some areas.

There are a whole host of issues here. I agree though that having a middlman take a large cut of money to “grease the system” does contribute to it’s inefficiency. The healthcare system is broken on so many levels that any one change like this would be set up to fail. We need a major overhaul.


If you smell your breath first thing in the morning it stinks. This is a sign of bacterial overgrowth. During the day, the biggest barrier to this is natural saliva production and agitation through movement of the mouth. These things are drastically reduced while you sleep and thus leads to a build up of bacteria. This is why it is advised that you brush your teeth after waking.

Technically, it is also advised that you brush your teeth after each meal but that is not practical for most.


This may be a dumb way to do it but I print to PDF. It doesn’t require any new software and works just fine for documents


Every company that owns media or copy protected information has one goal. To bleed consumers dry of as much money as possible. They lobby governments against our interests, track our data, and destroy the integrity of the product that they are selling to accomplish this.

For everything that I am interested in, I seek the best experience. I want the media I consume to be available, convenient, and unaltered. If I can pay a reasonable fee for that then I will. If not then I will seek other means. I am tired of corporations fighting to change culture and expectations to be “more profitable” rather than delivering a product that consumers actually want. I will continue to vote with my dollars (or lack there of) until this practice changes (which will likely be never).


I have two sets of twins and we go through this sort of thing a lot. For us, I have found that modeling works well. When my daughters come to me for help I will say, “Hey, Mama is really good at this. Let’s ask her for help” or I will go to her in front of them and openly ask for help. This often times will accomplish spreading the affection around. I think you are right about phases though. Time will fix this sort of stuff without any intervention though.


I love AOC, but this is just smoke and mirrors. The progressive reps always make a big deal when they know their “inquiries” will go nowhere because they don’t have the votes. It stirs up their base with no repercussions. This is just lip service at this point. Still glad it is being said though.
