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Thanks for the link. It’s one thing to be told “trust me bro”, and another entirely to… have context.


Good reason to be an ex.


I believe an ai could write soap-opera-style drama and crappy hallmark romance. Probably has been for a while. Anyone can write those things even if they don’t have a good grasp of language.

But comedy is really difficult; you have to actually understand people, and culture, and communication, and language, and timing, and shock, and a bunch of other super nuanced shit.

If he thinks ai is ready for that, he’s ready to lose his own job to ai, cuz what a joker… (see? Comedy is hard!)


Wait is this real…? Are they saying the quiet part out loud again…? Screaming loud…?

What’s the context here?


Even snakes are bizarre. We have a creature with no limbs, just a very dangerous head and a potentially very dangerous body, and it uses its skin to move. And they can eat things whole which are several times the size of their head. Seriously, wtf.

Oh and even better, they range in size from adorable little worms to big enough to eat a human whole. And what kind of exercise do constrictors even do to get strong enough to suffocate something that outweighs it??



Look, I know we are all on this planet together and stuff, but the vast majority of us aren’t doing anything at all that depletes resources at a too-fast rate.

Sure, most people in developed countries have some things they could do in their daily lives to be more efficient, like being a no-scrap-left-behind sort, and if they can practically implement those changes they absolutely should, but that actually makes an insanely small difference in the grand scheme, and requires a ton of individual effort, which makes any change unlikely to stick.

Instead, let’s look at the individuals (rich people) and companies (most companies) who are using more than a reasonable share of the resources, and force us as consumers and employees to use more (throw-away culture via product design, commute especially via private transportation, dress codes, etc.) and, you know, make them stop doing that…? If we did that, and made some changes to infrastructure/zoning/public transit, individual change would necessarily follow with very little individual effort, and thus be more likely to succeed.


My prior job logged everyone (employees and customers alike) out of the portal after 5 min of inactivity, but uploads to the site often took much longer than that, to say nothing of checking things over, so half the support contacts we got were whining about the timeout, and the only thing I had to say to the people complaining was “yeah man, we have the timeout too, and have to use the site on and off all day, year round, not just for three days a year… I totally agree with you, it doesn’t help, but even our dummy data on test accounts is subject to those rules, so I can’t help you…”

Instead, I learned the site inside and out by memory (I built the knowledge bases for everything, as a result) and sent the security team every article I could find about how short timeouts were bad for SaaS security because they make people use less secure passwords and skip mfa.


So how long before these folks realize that TST is going to do shit like this every time so they probably should just fucking stop trying to shove their religion down our throats…?

Like, this isn’t new, TST have been doing shit like this for decades and the religious wrong still haven’t figured it out?

Pathetic. And such a waste of time, effort, and energy.


As someone who has always been on a low-sodium diet, but who nonetheless has a hankering for processed food, thank fuck.

Everything has become so ridiculously salty, if you aren’t already used to the salt, that it’s largely inedible. It would otherwise be really good, but holy shit.

If we can get people consuming less salt in some places, they will want less in other places as well, maybe food as a whole will be less salty… that would be a win in every single way for everyone. Everyone who regularly eats with me tends to want less salt in their food overall as a result, so I know it works, and it doesn’t even take that long.


Y’all would be fucking horrified by the state of food manufacturing if you knew.

I used to work at a food processing and distribution company, in the document processing department… we weren’t strictly supposed to read the audits, especially the internal ones, but we did, to make sure they were complete and compliant, which was our job. Also our job was intensely boring and we needed something to gossip about.

The number of our distributors (first level manufacturing) who got C or D grades on their inspections… fucking gross. I reported a few of them, but the company did not care.

Before that I worked at a chicken hatchery. The cultures I cultured -doing an audit just like those I read later in life- were sooooo gross and problematic. But I was instructed to cover it up because, and this is important context, it was all self report after the initial inspection. I was doing this at 16, and was likely significantly more thorough than any veteran employee would have been. (Absolutely not why I was chosen; they chose me due to incredibly mild nepotism, as my manager was my step-dad, and he knew science stuff was up my alley… plus I was a filler worker, being under 18.)

I really hope things have improved, but somehow I doubt that the past 20 years has made a positive impact from my audit experience. (The document processing was less than 10 years ago, supporting my belief nothing has changed for the better.)
