On the plus side, this does show that all the plastic we have put into the environment has been a niche energy source just waiting to be exploited.
Now think about all the plastic surface area in the oceans and stuff, I bet there are other things, bacteria and microfauna, which are actively adapting to consume it.
People keep posting this around but the changelog indicates that’s a super recent alteration… and probably bad faith.
I’m guessing Henrietta Lacks, since she’s probably got a bone to pick with the research community as a whole. I bet she’s got some special accommodation with the universe to be brought back constantly as a stream of lab animals, just to fuck with the data.
Revenge is a dish best served confusingly.
I was on memmy before as well
I use voyager, it’s a bit buggy in annoying ways but overall good, some images still don’t load. Thunder is also good, I use that as a backup to check things sometimes, images load a bit more consistently, but no idea about videos. Iirc that’s also android, so that’s fun.
I also have Avalon because it’s compatible with beehaw being a few versions behind, but haven’t used it enough to recommend or not.
lol no, silly, they don’t give you free money for that. That’s just the demographic they compare everything to as a baseline :)
It obviously depends on the establishment in question, but you get free shit for being a veteran, teacher, healthcare worker, firefighter or other emergency worker, stuff like that. Or a senior probably, they get tons of free shit, too.
I’ve been to a casino exactly one time in my life, and it was earlier this year. Went for the cheap hotel.
I did not spend any money at the casino, but I did get $15 free for being a certain demographic of new customer. I played that, won $158, cashed out and won’t ever do it again (unless I get more free money, anyway).
I’m sure what they wanted by giving me a win on the last $2 (it’s all controlled by cards, they know what my demographic is, and that people in it are likely to be depressed and on the poor side, and thus potential gambling addicts) was for me to keep playing to try to score more, but what it really did was point out dark patterns and make me wildly uncomfortable with the whole situation…
It’s not a discount if you are expected to pay more to add a tip.
But dude, quit changing the subject, I’m not talking about people not tipping within the current system, never have been, and neither was the person you originally replied to. I’ve worked tipped positions, so I very much understand how they work.
So again, are you suggesting that if we do away with tipping, costs of food would increase by MORE than the present amount of a tip that gets tacked on? Because that’s the only way prices for the end consumer actually meaningfully raise. Most likely they will actually go down overall. Because again you have to pay the tip too.
You are really bad at reading comprehension btw. That, or you are a piss-poor troll and intentionally misrepresenting literally everything… the option to be a leech is the customer, who in the present system can skip the tip. Like a leech.
Also, there aren’t any restaurants around me that scrapped tipping, not a single fucking one within at least an hour of where I live, so your suggestion is impossible for me and very privileged.