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Wordpress even has activitypub integration now! Hooray! Here’s hoping automattic do good on their word and bring it to their other projects like Tumblr

Also as much as I like gimp, it is unfortunately not that widely used due to super specialised and hard to use compared to the industry standard juggernaut that is adobe’s creative suite. You’re probably going to get laughed at in any professional industry if you suggest seriously using it.


A great Australian one that doesn’t involve spiders or cunts is “tell ‘im he’s dreamin’”, usually said in a real broad accent (you can change the pronouns around what more matters is the way you say it). Usually used whenever someone’s asking too much money for something but can also be used for when someone’s asking for too much in general and basically means “are you fucking kidding me that’s way too expensive”. It’s from a great movie called The Castle. It also gave us the saying “[this is going] straight to the pool room” meaning “shit this is really nice thanks” (because the pool room is where you put your trophies and whatnot) but I think that’s a little less common.

On the other side of the globe, Norway uses “Texas” to mean “crazy weird shit”. There’s also “kamelåså” which generally means “unintelligible (like a Danish person)” which is from this great comedy sketch about Denmark that’s so good NRK decided they had to translate it into English just so people could make fun of Danish internationally (The untranslated bits are just danish sounding gibberish)


You can put mad Infront of all the cunts that don’t have adjectives already to make them even more extreme.

“This mad cunt” for when your mate’s done something really out there while “mad dog cunt” is real fucking bad for example


Alcohol, still allowed to advertise every where

Actually alcohol advertising is pretty limited in Europe due to EU wide regulations and some countries have even stricter rules, ranging from “not in public spaces” to straight up “no alcohol advertising at all”

Also I would point out alcohol is a big cusine thing and has been for centuries and you’re nuts if you’re upset schnapps are a thing but not strawberry cigarettes. Also like, flavoured vapes totally exist?


The closest thing to what you’re talking about is grafting, but that’s a specific thing that only works on certain species and I don’t think can “glue” two entire halves of a tree back together, maybe just a branch at the most if you’re very careful and lucky

It’s why if you plant a seed from a random apple from the supermarket, you’re very probably not going to get a tree that produces that apple. Most commerical fruit trees (including ones from your local garden centre) tend to have a bottom half that’s hardy and resistant, and then a top half which was “glued” on that actually provides the fruit you want. The bottom half controls the genetic material in the seed, but the top half controls what the fruit will look like.

On the other hand, you can totally glue a snapped cactus back together, provided it hasn’t been too long and the two halves aren’t too damaged.


…now? Bud, they’ve done this for ages, both on mobile and desktop how the hell have you not noticed it? It used to be even more obvious on desktop because they’d put it up as the first item in the ‘related videos’, but they got rid of that so now you don’t know what it’s going to start autoplaying until it happens, which is mildly annoying when you’re listening to music and can’t see what’s up next


Congratulations you’re now a snake


It’s not a dedicated game and idk if servers even run these anymore, but the original popular “battle royal” was minecraft hunger games servers and they did kinda run like that - no stats obviously, but throwing you empty into a bounded world where you’d have to survive and craft and kill monsters and each other. I think some of them might’ve even had like your sponsor drops where you’d get potions or enchanted stuff


I want a modern difficult farming Sim with an in depth relationship mechanic and no fucking combat. The old harvest moon games are good, but I’ve kinda played them to death and for some idiotic reason they removed stuff like rival marriages from the remakes. Rune factory has combat, and so does stardew valley (in addition to having a relationship mechanic that’s just, really shallow), and it seems like all the farming Sim games that don’t have combat are like baby’s first farm Sim and are all cutesy and aren’t very difficult

Like it feels like this would be an easy thing to do, right?


There’s the sonic racing series which has a few ports on PC. I haven’t played them on PC, but I’ve played them on the switch and they’re pretty Mario kart-ish both in playstyle and mascot racer charm.

Also you can play as The Heavy.
