This story is not true.
There is a point of diminishing returns with coffee brewing, and you can quickly spend obscene amounts of money for infinitesimally small increases in quality of the brew.
However, a few hundred dollars worth of investment in a grinder and basic equipment, and you’ll never again be able to choke down the sour, burnt tar they attempt to pass off as coffee in stores and restaurants.
- Rubbing/wringing of hands
- Sweaty palms
- Strong body odor
- Trembling
- Cold penetrating stare
- Exaggerated emotions
- White knuckling
- Wide open staring eyes
These are also exhibited by anyone who has flown with their toddler.
Guess I’ve been tracked around quite a few airports.
I’ll take the bait if no one else will.
A calendar is useful for one thing: pinning events that will happen at a known time and being reminded of when they are about to start.
If you need to keep extensive notes on projects, understand how late or accelerated tasks will impact other dates, break down work into steps, track progress on a project or individual task, create lists, map ideas, inventory items, archive knowledge, or sketch workflows, a calendar is worthless.