What does the Clark firewall refer to?
So how would this system prevent people from voting multiple times or voting as someone they’re not? Could you elaborate on what you meant when you said “alternative ways”? I’m imagining something like fingerprints or retina scans, both of which take more time and money than a simple ID.
Also I’m not too familiar with the DMV, but isn’t that for driver’s licenses only? Surely that’s not the only way to get an ID in the US?
I guess my point is rather than allowing voting without ID, there should be better systems in place to provide everyone with an ID.
Du vet brevduvor? Det är jag som skriver breven.
Also I’m amazed by how people don’t seem to understand what half-life is. It’s not the time it takes for an atom to decay. It’s the time it takes for half of the atoms to decay, meaning there will be some U-238 that decay into Ra-226 in just a couple of seconds.
So even if the Earth was created 4000 years ago with uranium but not lead (for some weird reason), some of that lead would have decayed into lead by now.