On-Line Systems was renamed Sierra On-Line in 1982, and moved to Oakhurst, California.[6] The “Sierra” name was taken from the Sierra Nevada mountain range that Oakhurst was near
- Wikipedia page for Sierra Entertainment
You may be thinking of the fact that it was founded by a married couple, Ken and Roberta Williams, with the latter being among the first prominent female game designers.
I haven’t played AC6 yet but the fact that you’re bothered by unreactable damage makes me think you’re playing this like Souls. But it’s not Souls, it’s a shooter. Be preemptive? Make your own movement pattern hard to follow.
A very glorified DPS race is more or less what a duel is in a shooter.
If you have to do that to install anything, it’s either always your package manager or something that can be copy-pasted from the included installation guide.
You don’t even need the terminal in most cases. You have GUIs. Simple ones.
I’d rather have to type a line than struggle with installing 10 pieces of unnecessary bloatware individually
J’ai récemment passé une semaine à Angoulême et j’ai pu visiter le musée de la BD, ce qui fut très cool! À la boutique, entre autres, j’ai eu un coup de coeur pour un oneshot s’appelant La Fée et la Jardinière par Rii Abrego et Joe Whitt.
C’est un gentil petit conte pour enfants avec une bonne morale et un style absolument magnifique. Je recommande ; même si l’on ne s’intéresse pas au sujet, ça peut être un très bon cadeau à faire à un proche.
I’d love a Time Mage!