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I will warn you, just in case you are sensitive, there is literally comical amounts of blood when a WBC cuts down a virus. Like, ten foot tall blood spurts, with them drenched in blood. No gore or viscera though.


Fairy Tail has kinda a DBZ vibe, but the fights are over with in one or two episodes, not 45. (Funimation)

If you like suspense and psychological thriller, and don’t mind subtitles, Kaiji is an excellent watch. It’s about a man who cosigned a loan with a friend, from a bunch of loan sharks, and has to play increasingly deadly games to try to regain his life. It will take you for a ride. (Crunchyroll)

I really enjoyed Dr Stone. An apocalypse occurs, petrifying the entire world. Humanity starts to slowly awaken, and they try to rebuild the world while fighting against an opposing group trying to start a new world order. At least for season one. I haven’t cought up recently cuz my depression has been kicking my ass. (Funimation)

That’s all I got off the top of my head, and I hope it helps.

Edit: If you like Kaiji, it has two separate side stories.

Akagi is set in the 70s, I think, and is about a man who is apparently a savant at Mahjong, and ends up playing against a mob boss. wagering his blood against the bosses fortune. The show is really good at trying to explain the rules to the uninitiated without being condescending, and still keeping it suspenseful and engaging.

The other is Mr. Tonegawa’s Middle Management Blues, more of a slice of life workplace comedy, centering around one of the antagonists of Kaiji, and trying to manage his employees while pleasing his boss. I didn’t finish this one, cuz I got the point about halfway through, but I had fun while it lasted.

And I just remembered Cells At Work, also subbed, but an excellent romp which I would call “edutainment,” but don’t let that dissuade you! It anthropomorphizes different cells of the human body, describing their functions in kinda a slice-of-life meets monster of the week format. The white blood cells are the knife-weilding defence force of the human body, cutting down Power Ranger monsters that never were. Again, don’t get put off by the edutainment label, cuz the edu and the tainment both hit hard.


You sound as though you might have some trauma from your past. I hope you are finding the help you need. Much love 😘


Oh I’ve always tried to give people the benefit of the doubt. To a fault, even. I’ve been trying to keep a level head. You are right. Finding who I am, bringing her out of that cold, dark cell, it’s intoxicating. Thankfully, the wife and kids are around to help keep me in check.

Unfortunately, too, I think I’ve unlocked a new set of neuroses. I’m worried I’m obsessing too much about my body hair, and I’m worried I’ve not been feeding myself right. Then again, old me was known to binge eat when stressed, so maybe I’ve cut that out since I’m me now? Gosh, this stuff is so hard to put into words. I feel like I need to invent whole new words to describe how I feel.


Yeah, that was about the extent of it. Walk to the fridge in the buff at midnight to get a drink for the wifey, or basically other “between clothes” bits. It’s not like I was flopping around 24/7. Hanging out, watching TV, playing games, eating, w/e I was clothed. I’m not a prude, but I’m not a weirdo either


Respectfully, I don’t tell you how to live your life, so please don’t tell me how to live mine. In many, many cultures, the human body isn’t immediately sexualized and nudity is common, or at least not looked at with disdain. Part of my thought process is that the human body isn’t shameful. Even in “civilized” culture, first world countries, whatever you want to call it, plenty of countries have much more lax viewpoints than puritanical America. Nude beaches for example, arent sex crazed erection centrals. People have often sexualized breasts, but there’s that whole “free the nip” and equality for walking around topless. The human body isn’t something that is inherently shameful.


Pervert. I don’t have to show you my ass just so you don’t be a dick.


Yeah, it was just my body. I think… I truly had no association with my man-body. It… Wasn’t mine? If that makes sense. I didn’t care what happened to it. But, for example, I was making hot dogs yesterday. Good ones, not that rubbery shit. Some of the hot dog juice from the packet landed on my arms, chest, and shirt as I threw away the packaging.

I. Freaked. Out.

I was just about crying in the bathroom because I didn’t have a shirt I felt comfortable in, and I WAS NOT gonna put on one of my old shirts, or walk around topless. I am so self conscious now, I wouldn’t dream of it. I can barely get into bed without being covered now. (I sleep naked. I might change that soon though 😭 Sandpaper skin suuuucks) But, yeah, I guess I always thought of it as “his” body and not mine, you know?
