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It’s so out of context it’s almost untrue.

Bitwarden can’t find or change your password, and their admins absolutely can’t see them either.

You’re talking about the “admin password reset” feature offered to organizations (and which doesn’t concern lambdas users at all), which must be explicitly activated and which allows admins not to see our password, but to trigger a password reset with notification to the user.

Once the password has been reset, all you have to do is change it, and nobody else has access to it.




D’un point de vue perso, je supprimerais bien le vote en général et laisser le tri se faire par le nombre de réponses à un commentaire, qui est généralement plus proche de ce qu’on pourrait qualifier d’intéressant que juste le résultat d’un vote

Euh non merci. Tous les sujets qui génèrent le plus de commentaires sont les débats clivants qui provoquent des réactions épidermiques et qui se transforment en champ de bataille. C’est absolument pas une métrique viable pour juger de la qualité d’un post.

C’est bien pour ça que Twitter et Facebook se sont transformés en fosse à purin : ils mettent en avant les contenus qui génèrent de “l’engagement”, indépendamment du type d’engagement.

Supprimer le système de vote, c’est mettre en avant ces zones de guerre, et enterrer les commentaires et contenus bien plus constructifs mais qui ne génèrent pas autant de discussion.

Si on supprime juste les bas-votes, on mélange alors les contenus qui n’ont pas eu de visibilité et ceux qui ne sont pas populaires.

Il faut garder les hauts et les bas-vote.


On coupe la poire en deux pour les heures, disons qu’un médecin gagne 63,5k pour 56h par semaine. Si on rapporte à du 35h, ça ne fait que du 39 600€ brut annuel.

Moins de 40k brut annuel aux 35h, alors qu’ils font un Bac+8 absolument atroce, à la limite de l’esclavage pendant plusieurs années lorsqu’ils font de l’internat dans les hôpitaux, pour faire un métier absolument essentiel avec des responsabilités colossales puisque la vie de leurs patients est en jeu.

Un développeur avec un Bac+5 quelconque sans grande responsabilité gagne presque autant et sans s’user la santé.


63,5k brut, donc moins de 3500 euros nets mensuels après impôts sur le revenu pour 56 heures hebdomadaires, donc autour de 2200€ si on ramène à 35h, et ça c’est sans compter les charges liées à la tenue d’un cabinet.

À quel moment 2200€ net mensuel c’est un revenu acceptable pour un Bac+8 à qui on confie la santé voire la vie de centaines de personnes ?


Est-ce que cette affirmation est basée sur autre chose qu’une anecdote personnelle datant d’il y a plusieurs années ?


I’m curious, what is missing from Firefox compared to Vivaldi according to you?


It’s too expensive

Nuclear power isn’t expensive. It’s launching a cutting-edge industry with a lot of inertia and not giving it the time and means to pay for itself that’s expensive.

And don’t even get me started on the Levelized Cost of Energy. These studies give a big advantage to renewable energies, since they only take into account the cost of building, maintaining and dismantling a given energy plant.

That’s roughly 100% of the cost of a nuclear power plant, whereas most of the cost of solar and wind power will be found in the solutions that need to be put in place to compensate for their lack of controllability, such as redundant power plants, dams and other forms of storage of considerable size, which are therefore never counted in these cost estimates.

At present, we don’t even have the technical means to have enough storage to afford 100% wind + solar in a country, so we’re completely unable to estimate how much it would actually cost.

with less carbon-free energy in the end for the money spent and more fossil fuels being used as a consequence

The reality is exactly the opposite: France has been producing most of its electricity with nuclear power since the 70s and 80s, and has had its electricity almost entirely decarbonized since the 90s, for a total cost of less than 150 billion euros for the nuclear industry between 1960 and 2010, according to a report by the Cour des Comptes.

Germany, on the other hand, which has been anti-nuclear and pro-renewables for 20 years, with 40% RE, produces 9 times more carbon with its electricity mix.

And still produces nuclear waste.

The entirety of high level radioactivity waste produced by France for 60 years (containing 90%+ of the radioactivity).

  • New reactor designs, whose research projects have been opposed and working prototypes shut down by anti-nuclear campaigners, can reprocess and reuse this nuclear waste.

Just develop batteries, hydrogen and the likes for storage

You can see the contradiction here: how can we claim that renewable energies are cheaper when we have yet to develop solutions to make them work on a national scale?

We’re still a long way from having the technology for batteries that can power entire countries for hours or days on end, and hydrogen means we’ll have to oversize our power plants several times over to make up for its inefficiency.

Thanks to French nuclear power, we have proof that it is possible to produce safe, inexpensive nuclear power that can be deployed in two decades. Almost all of France’s current nuclear fleet was built between 1970 and 1990, providing 70%-80% of French electricity production for almost 40 years, at a rate of 2 reactors completed per year at a cost of 1 billion per 1000MW unit.

We’re still waiting for a working example of a country that runs on wind and solar power without huge hydroelectric capacity or nuclear power for backup.


A bad mouth could argue that it wouldn’t make Marseille dirtier


Basically, we can move the times that we use most of our power to the times that power is easy to generate.


For example, the typical risk period for a power grid is during winter nights, when people come home and turn on the heat, cook and do their chores, or relax watching their TVs or playing videogames. How can we postpone such a power usage to another time?
