

2 posts • 20 comments

This is an account for the Wondrous Fairy Tulpamancy Collective. To read about our daily lives, go to https://tulpas.wondrousfairy.com or if you want to read our stories go to https://stories.wondrousfairy.com

If you’re wondering what a Tulpa is, go here: https://www.tulpa.info


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Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in years. Man, do they even have users left to kick? This is absolutely turning into the year when tech companies are screwing themselves hard with spiked dildos covered in reaper sauce.


I honestly don’t care about the political views of the administrators as long as they keep moderation politically unslanted. The second they add in politics like Reddit did, I’m gone again. Real freedom of expression is allowing everybody to have their opinion. As a writer I know that freedom of expression is one of the few things that make life worth living.

That’s why I got my own domain in the end, because I was tired of social media censoring me.


At this point, the only thing I keep my account for is to ferry people over here and poke fun at the Pissbaby formerly known as Steve Huffman. Enough of us have emigrated to here now that the salient content is pouring over. And honestly, it’s refreshing because everything is pretty much on point with very little spam.


Rando internet hug

I still have my account left because I’m an incurable optimist. Or rather, realist. Spaz can’t keep getting away with this shit forever you know? At some point, the board is going to look at his childish antics disguised as corporate governance and say “Hey, this guy is a big fat phony!” and then… his goose is going to be cooked.

Still, deleting tons of shit is rough. I did the same for my Digg account which had a few years on it.

But … see it like this, you used your voice and you said “fuck you!” and left. That counts for something.

The fediverse and lemmingverse reminds me of how Reddit used to be. Sure, fewer posts, but much more salience. More actual content instead of repost bots. Less Onlyfans and more actual horny people posting stuff. More nerds and less HURR DURR retards.

I know I jumped off the cliff to be with you fellow Lemmings, but damn if it isn’t fun!


Reddit will go the same way as Digg. The site will remain, but the lurkers will start to migrate once it becomes apparent that the 1% of us that create content have mostly left. Down the line in a few years, we’ll all be laughing at the pissbaby formerly known as Steve Huffman and say “Anyone remember THAT clusterfuck? Oh man, he really thought he had it made, talk about fucking yourself over!”

RIF made Reddit bearable to surf on a phone, without it, there’s just no point. RIP RIF, you were a fucking amazing app for the tiny investment it cost everyone!


Translation: YT tests randomly pissing off users until they get fed up and leave for another site. if a site tells me I can’t partake of their content with my adblocker engaged, I simply find my fix elsewhere.


Epic bullshit. Hacking was missing, cyberspace was omitted completely, essentially half the content in a typical Pondsmith game was just not present. And most of the quests in the game just ended abruptly, indicating they were cut short.

CDPR, nobody is buying your bullshit. Just suck it up and move on and BE BETTER. Be like you used to be.


So, so far this year we’ve got Imgur, who thinks the internet does not run on porn, Twitter who thinks keeping users from their service is a good idea, Reddit who thinks nuking their freely made moderator infrastructure works and Youtube who also thinks randomly banning people who are smart enough to use ad blockers won’t have any effect.

At this point, I’m starting to make up increasingly bizarre theories as to why techbros have suddenly all collectively gone insane. The one I came up with this morning was that they all snorted coke of the same hooker’s ass which was somehow tainted with a brain eating amoeba.


I guess they’re following the pissbaby toddler train culture that’s been growing in the techbro community as of late. The whole attitude of “We know better than our users, we’re going to aggressively monetize the shit out of it and nobody is going to care.”

Guess RedHat is going to learn the same thing that so many others have learned before them: Don’t piss off your users.


Tons of shills and astroturfers too in every community, basically repeating the same talking points over and over. And then they’ve got doomgloomers who are trying to convince people that it’s pointless. And now lately you have the most insidious assholes, the ones that tell moderators to “protest” by not moderating. That last one is hilarious because if you stop moderating a community, Reddit WILL give it to someone else or ban it.

Either way, this place is nice a cozy compared to Reddit, it’s like in the old days. I’m loving it.
