Veganarchist Deep Green Climate Action Now Just Stop Oil Animal Rising BLM transrights seize the mop anime programming touhou osu monero briarmessenger linux FOSS arch btw
Please consider not killing innocent animals and eat plants instead
bees dont labour to produce excess for themselves so that you can enjoy it. You dont have to understand the concept of ownership for it to be unethical to steal from someone. Hence why the phrase “taking candy from a baby” is a cliche cartoon villain phrase. Does a baby understood the relationship of someone to an object that is exclusive right to retention and destruction? probably not but do they understand they like their stuff that they like and theyre sad when its taken away? And you dont get off if the bees in theory dont notice what is taken because then you are still forcing them to essentially work overtime for no benefit to themselves, you are breeding a slave species that exists to spend 90% of their lives producing excess for someone else non consensually
I thought doge died
That statistic is flawed it counts downstream combustion of coal oil and gas for energy purposes (this is 90% of the total company emissions in the metric) which means you can buy a fossil fuel car fill it with petrol and burn it and that will be counted as corporate emissions
yeah its in like page 1 or 2 of the primary source the stat comes from one sec ill get it
Direct operational emissions (Scope 16 ) and emissions from the use of sold products (Scope 3: Category 11) are attributed to the extraction and production of oil, gas, and coal. Scope 1 emissions arise from the self-consumption of fuel, flaring, and venting or fugitive releases of methane. Scope 3 emissions account for 90% of total company emissions and result from the downstream combustion of coal, oil, and gas for energy purposes. A small fraction of fossil fuel production is used in non-energy applications which sequester carbon.
Also disgusting that people think that paying for an innocent animal to die is somehow capitalisms fault