Veganarchist Deep Green Climate Action Now Just Stop Oil Animal Rising BLM transrights seize the mop anime programming touhou osu monero briarmessenger linux FOSS arch btw
Animals do kill each other a lot, does that mean that we are justified in copying this behaviour? The animals that kill eachother either have no means to survive otherwise or have no rational capabliity to deduce that its wrong, I cannot reason with a lion but I hope I can reason with you. As it happens lions also eat their young and forced intercourse is the norm in the animal kingdom, are we justified in copying these acts because it’s “natural” to do so? Furthermore even if we were to conclude that carnivores/omnivores are morally culpable for their killings how does that justify us killing cows, pigs and chickens that did nothing to harm us The actions of non-humans in the circumstances of non-humans have no bearing on the actions of humans in the circumstances of a modern human
“To up your intake, consider eating more choline-rich foods, such as salmon, eggs, broccoli and cauliflower.” thanks I’ll eat more brocolli and cauliflower
no. meat is murder
71% of corporations is the new climate denial were at the bargaining stage now: “well the drastic sacrifice were going to have to make doesnt matter because corporations need to do something before I even attempt to start living in line with earths resources”
Also disgusting that people think that paying for an innocent animal to die is somehow capitalisms fault
That statistic is flawed it counts downstream combustion of coal oil and gas for energy purposes (this is 90% of the total company emissions in the metric) which means you can buy a fossil fuel car fill it with petrol and burn it and that will be counted as corporate emissions