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I was 14 and just got a cable modem when Napster came out. I just got introduced to modern music, had no way to pay for it other than asking my folks. Let’s jump on the pirate ship!

Now I’ll let you do the math on my age, I have very stable income, and a fair amount of disposable savings, and I still pirate pretty much my ears will be hearing. Plex has equal or better tools for watching/listening than every other service I’ve tried (shuffling episodes is my favorite)

I go to concerts, watch movies in the theatre, read physical books and support creatives in other ways… so I feel different about that…

I also started noticing this when itunes came out. You could only listen to music YOU PAID FOR on devices you’ve authorized. Then soon after I saw this, a friend was down on his luck but had a very good and varied cd collection. He started selling them to second hand shops and his friends.

I ended up seeing this dichotomy and thought to myself… this sucks. Let’s just pirate it…

I should note the amount of physical unread books I have on my shell are similarly rationed to the amount of music I haven’t listened to or movies I haven’t watched yet that I’ve also pirated


1 Pi 4 for two things

  1. Download media over a persistent VPN that auto-moves to my NAS
  2. Fun play toy as a dev box to test new tech and try to stay current and keep my Linux skills sharp since I use osx at work

1 ends up blocking 2

I really want to buy like 5 or 6 with temp sensors to put around the house to see how good my heating/ac are working, and confirm wifi strength


A trans friend of mine actually did this. After she came out publicly, her wife threw her a coming out party at their place.


Life well lived for me is the following.

  1. My life ends in a comfy bed surrounded by friends and family having died before becoming a burden on them.
  2. I’ve made a positive impact on those around me
  3. I’ve left my children/family in better financial shape than I was born into (which, frankly, was pretty good already)
  4. I traveled and saw what the world has to offer

Yeah, life is meaningless, and we’re one small speck in a universe so big it breaks our brains to think about and we only last a similar amount of time in regard to the vastness of time itself. . … so I might as well make myself and the people around me feel good

As far as the short term? Have a good conversation with friends/family, go for a walk through a nearby forest.


Thanks for the suggestion.

There wasn’t a screen protector for yours right? How is the magsafe though?

Mous was one of the vendors that’s only magsafe from what I saw … Hoping I missed something.


Accubattery works for me on my p7p. It defaults to alerting you at every %point after 80. But you can change it to 100

There’s a few permissions you have to give it, which I don’t remember the precise names, but it basically wants to know how much power other apps are using and allows to always be on “no optimized” is the wording I think.

And I didn’t upgrade to pro


Yeah. My wife has an iPhone and we drive a lot. Thinking to not have to deal with the wires on the dashboard would be great.


How does the math work that they did it 10x with 85% working?

Also wtf gaslighting. This is a whole new level of negging


Similar. MacBook pro from mid 2014 for personal stuff


Worked at a medium sized retail startup as a software engineer where we didn’t have root access to our local laptops, under the guise of “if you fuck it up we won’t be able to fix it” but we only started out with a basic MacBook setup. so every time I wanted to install a tool, ide, or VM I had to make a ticket to IT to come and log in with the password and explain what I was doing.

Eventually, the engineering dept bribed an IT guy to just give us the password and started using it. IT MGMT got pissed when the number of tickets dropped dramatically and realized what was going on.

We eventually came to the compromise that they gave us sudo access with the warning “we’re not backing anything up. If you mess up we’ll have to factory reset the whole machine”. Nobody ever had to factory reboot their machine because we weren’t children… And if there was an issue we just fixed it ourselves
