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You own the license and can sell the license (generally), not the actual game. To use an analogy, if you buy and own a car, you could take it apart or replace any part you like, put the engine into another car, etc. You can’t do the equivalent with a typical game and other propertary software, at least not legally, because you don’t own it, you just own the right to use it.

Might not make a noticable difference to most people because most people don’t do much with games/software apart from using it, but there still is a difference.


No I decide.

Keep telling yourselve that, my friend.

I’m minimum 12 weeks a year.

It was 4-8 weeks when I asked you, now it’s 12 weeks minimum. Good for you.

Have no interest in hiring you.

Obviously I have no interest in a company as you work at, that’s my entire point…

Look how you’re arguing about something you have no knowledge about.

I’m telling you that this concept of “unlimited vacation days” sounds like, in my personal view, a shitty deal… As I told you, if you are happy with the deal, that’s great, no need to get so fucking defensive…

Also pretty funny that you tell me about my work ethic despite not knowing me at all while complaining that I’m “arguing about something I have no knowledge about” 😂


If I don’t have my deliverables in then I would get terminated for performance.

Right, so you don’t decide shit, your company decides.

It allows me to take off as much as I want.

Clearly it doesn’t, that’s the point…

How much more time does someone need?

In my opinion? At least 5-6 weeks a year, but guaranteed and enforced by law. More is a matter of negotiation. No paying it out (unless you resign), no saving it up for next year (apart from a few days), not counting holydays, illness and paternity.

We also have 9 months of paternity leave as well.

I don’t get why you keep writing as if you want to hire me… You don’t need to justfy your working conditions to me, if you are happy, good for you… I’m simply telling you that if it was me, I wouldn’t trust shit like “unlimited vacation days”…


I decide.

Oh please, then you could just “decide” to take every other month off and nobody would care, you would get paid the same,etc , you can’t tell me that’s the case…

If you had read my comment, you’d see we are forced to take a eeek in July, two weeks for the end of the year

Right, so 3 weeks vacation and you can’t even decide when to take them. Sounds like a pretty shitty deal to me…

I take very little time off.

It seems that way, yes, so what good does “unlimited vacation” do?

I feel like I’m already off most the time.

Are you a hiring agent or something? What’s next, are you going to tell me that your company is like “a family”?


Wait, so you get “unlimited” paid vacation days? That sounds like complete corporate bullshit to me… Who decideds when/if “work is done” or not? Even if your work isn’t done (there is always more to do), you still deserve vacation/days off.

How many paid vacation days do people take on average a year? How many did you take this year/last year? What happens if your company decides that you have taken too many vacation days this year, will they mention it you want to discuss wages? What happens if someone doesn’t take a minimum number of vacation days a year, will they be forced to take them or will they get praise for being a “hard worker”?


Although there are exceptional cases such as Germany’s, where large enough companies must assign a percentage of the BoD positions

Codetermination/worker representation is a thing in some countries, but with the exception of Germany, it’s not half of the BoD.

I’d probably put Sanders left of plenty of European social-democratic parties

I’m sure there are members of social democratic politicians who are as left wing or even more left wing than Bernie. I think if he was European, he would be in the left wing of a social democratic party. But what many people don’t seem to want to realize is that we aren’t living in the 70s anymore… Europe might have some remains of social democratic elements left, but barely…

And it certainly isn’t “standard governmental procedure”. And I do wish Bernies policies were the norm in Europe, but they simply aren’t…


The comment wasn’t about whether worker councils are a thing or not, the comment was about Sander’s policies being “standard govermental procedure” in Europe… They aren’t… I wish they were, but they aren’t, and I don’t understand how denying reality is in any way helpful…


So in Europe, it is standard govermental procedere to transfer 20% ownership of big corporations to employees? It is standard govermental procedere to have 45% of BoD elected by workers? Are you sure about that?


Also, most workers are so deeply alienated because they know that they aren’t working for themselves, they are working for someone else. Which is why most people simply stop giving a fuck at some point.

There is so much inefficiency because most who do the actual work don’t have much motivation to do a decent job, yet alone think about what they are doing because you simply get punished, or at least don’t get any reward, for thinking. And they people who (should) do the thinking often don’t have a clue as they live in a bubble.

And of course there is all the bullshit about shipping stuff across the world to do different stuff when it is completely unnecessesary…


The vast majority is not willing to die in armed struggle against the state…
