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I personally think the debate over the existence of Free Will is simply an extraordinary debate over semantics.

If you look at a human being from its basic biological and cellular makeup, a human being is a walking bundle of competing desires that appears to present itself as a single cohesive corporate entity.

The people who are against the concept of free will say that because you have innate desires for food sex and entertainment, that you have no choice to not act upon those in a desires and therefore any delusion that you carry about the choices that you make being done of an entirely unencumbered and Free Will are false.

Then there are people who say that Free Will doesn’t exist for religious purposes, that God is an all-knowing creature who knows the beginning and the end and everything in between and so you cannot make a choice that he or she or it does not already know that you will make and therefore your choices are not free.

The people who say Free Will does exist on a biological level will point to people who choose to self-immolate or to starve themselves to death in protest of a spiritual or psychological issue, valuing the ideals that life has imprinted upon them over the biological necessities of continuing to live.

The people who say Free Will does exist on a spiritual level say many things, such as we carry a spark of the Divine in us and therefore we are as little gods ourselves, capable of creating and destroying in roughly the same proportional magnitude as the greater gods above are, or they say that since we have the ability to make choices and we are judged by those choices than our choices must be free otherwise judgment is meaningless.

I personally tend to lean into the Free Will side, while understanding simultaneously that sometimes there are exigencies that induce us to choose one option over another on a more likely than not basis, or to phrase it another way, our will is as free as we choose it to be.


There’s also an incredibly powerful cloak of bystander effect happening in America.

There are literally hundreds of thousands if not tens of millions of people better fundamentally equipped to be the president of the United States than either Biden or Trump or any of the people working inside of the DNC or RNC.

But, thanks to the bystander effect, which is where people will stand idly by and watch another person being murdered in broad daylight and not do anything to help them, all of America is standing in public watching our future being murdered in broad daylight and nobody is doing anything about it because we keep thinking someone else will do something.

Add another layer to that, I don’t know what any one person could do to change this current path that we are on. If I could figure it out I would do it myself.


Sounds like something similar to the American differentiation between “book smarts” and “street smarts”, which is typically called to testify when a person who knows how to mow a lawn, work a job, and pay taxes feels intellectually challenged by a person who knows math beyond basic algebra.

Might have some orthogonality to the ever elusive concept of “common sense”, an apparently mystical concept that you either have or can never have depending on who is talking, which is only ever invoked to tell one person that their entire existence is worthless in the face of the fact that the person saying it has the magical elixir of common sense.


True, yet I feel that your view is an arms length view.

It is obvious that protections of the law such as minimum wage and OSHA standards are in the workers best interests, but if having them to protect you from a potential issue means that you go hungry tonight then lived experience means you will overlook their absence.

I feel that a better option would be to enact a law such as that should a company be found to be violating them, then they are financially responsible for covering any past loss as well a set period of future loss regardless of the nationality of their victims.

Strong disincentive to hire illegals in the first place would do more to solve the problem than trying to catch them playing whack a mole.


If you’ve got a dead hooker in the trunk drive the speed limit.


My guess is that the migrant workers and child workers know that if they are caught they will lose their job and their source of income.

Given that their families and their livelihoods rely on their ability to scrape in whatever money they can get, it is in the migrant workers best interests to hide their presence from inspectors.

Catching them and punishing the companies for hiring migrant workers is good for the soul of America for the long term but it’s bad for the lives of the people that are being exploited in the short term.

Until we can resolve that disparity this is going to continue to be an issue.


In some instances widevine will cause OBS studio to capture a blank screen.

There’s not really a good way to work around that in software that is publicly available.

However, if you are willing to put the time and effort and you can always play the video into an HDMI splitter and then have one of the outs going into another computer that has an HDMI to USB adapter.

If the HDMI splitter is cheap enough it may break copy protection on its own and output an unfiltered signal that the USB adapter can then ingest. This takes a lot of time and creates very large files that then have to be re-encoded via handbrake or similar app, but if you have a single video or a couple of videos about your worried about losing forever and you absolutely have to have a backup that is a way to do it.


Got tired of losing in the first 30 seconds?


There are vast differences between Windows home and Windows pro and Windows Enterprise editions as far as how easy it is to control and block off the annoyance ware that Microsoft builds into it.

If you use deployment software to roll out your images after standardizing them and have a set image that you can deploy to a thousand computers as easily as one then it’s very simple to sign in with a local domain account and disable the windows things through a group policy and just start rocking and rolling whereas your average Windows home user is not going to even have access to GPO and we’ll have to tediously for each and every single computer every single time they reset it redo all of the things to disable all of Microsoft’s crap activation.

They are not entirely different but definitely distinct versions of Windows and dismissing the home and non-enterprise users that their experience is inferior to your experience on the Enterprise side is what I’m saying is disingenuous
