Money, the answer is always money.
Bit of an odd one, but after the Nova Launcher fiasco I tried several launchers also listen in this thread but landed on Hyperion Launcher in the end. Simple, clean and supports icon themes. Did the trick for me.
Praise be!
$90 for 100/20 in Sydney, Australia. I have FttP, but can’t come up with a legitimate need for >100mbs at the moment
Ability to pick up quests or map markers just by hanging around taverns and inns and passively listening to conversations around you.
I really like the drawing as well as the backstory to go with it. Well done!
If you’re playing a thief build, always have a kettle or bucket in your inventory. If you want to clean out a shop while the owner is still there, just put a kettle on their head and away you go.
Not too proud to admit I got way too excited when I got my first Dyson. If anyone has animals with long hair, you’ll understand.