

2 posts • 21 comments
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Thanks for the sauce! The Nordic argument gets used far too often by center-leftists in the core imperial countries because they already assume a level of available wealth which can only be sustained by the exploitation of the colonized rest of the world.

The greed of the rich will never be sated. They may retreat or bide their time but they will come back for more, until they have sucked every drop of your blood.


Left toe on clutch, right heel on brake, right toe on gas. Good for revving the car at the traffic light if the engine’s cold or if you’re a jackass.


Israel will build some very nice Jewish beachfront colonies over the bloodstained rubble. It’s what they’ve been doing in the West Bank and Jerusalem, at least.


There can be no effective peace talks between the neck and the sword.

Palestinians have always been a people with a homeland but deprived of a state, their identity forged by oppression and resistance under a succession of empires. They were not called to give any input on the British decision to carve out their land for a Jewish state. They were driven out of their land by the millions, and those that remained were squeezed tighter and tigther, slowly pushed out of the usable land by illegal colonists which are protected by the state of Israel. Palestinian statehood was neglected for long enough that Israel was able to shatter or consume all Palestinian territory, making a Palestinian state inviable.

The state of Israel is entirely the product of imperialism, first British and now American. There can be no peaceful two-state solution because one of these states should not exist! The only peace will be a one-state peace, and it can only be achieved through bloodshed. Either the Palestinian people will finally gain their sovereignty, or the Zionists will finish building their monoethnic, theocratic paradise over the crushed bones of Palestine.

The idea that “some societies are just evil” is a very poor excuse to justify apartheid, but it’s certainly not a new one. What is more “evil”: to hate those that invaded your land and deprived you not only of self-determination, but of food, water and a future? Or to consider those of a different religion and cultural background as “human animals”, spit on them and their religious symbols, arrest their children and deprive them of their human rights, kick their elders to the curb, drive them out of their family farms and into crowded and guarded ghettos?

Calling that heinous conclusion you came to rational is an offense to reason and to all moral and reasonable people.


It’s not the end of the world, it’s the end of the world as we know it.

Reddit is becoming a harsher place for the kind of community-driven, higher investment content that made it what it is today (which is less profitable) and a better place for mindless scrolling and sleazy engagement-baiting mostly fed by automatic content aggregators (which is more profitable).

Plenty of communities will remain due to inertia: switching platforms is hard. As far as I’m concerned, I will keep using reddit for two reasons: and to check in on a few communities that I am actually engaged in.


Mine is like thick sauce under saran wrap, every once in a while I have to poke around the screen to stir the pixels back into place


Much like that UN report classifying Israel’s action against Palestinians as Apartheid (which is criminal in international law), much will be said and very little will be done about this. The state of Israel has been going against international law and agreements for almost its entire existence: see its support for illegal colonies and the walling and ghettoization of the West Bank and Gaza. Israel’s government has confidence that the US and NATO won’t do anything to stop their criminal actions against Palestinians because that is what they’ve been doing for the last half century. They will continue to coddle Israel until it fulfills its goal of completely exterminating or expelling Palestinians from the land between the river and the sea, forging a state with a single ethnicity, culture and religion out of Palestine.

PS: just before anyone claims it: no, I do not support gratuitous acts of terrorism by Hamas, just as I don’t support Israel’s terrorism against Palestinians. All I’m trying to do is point out the historical context of the current conflict, so that nothing is distorted.


Coming genocide? It has been escalating slowly for a while. The amount of blood already on the hands of the IDF before this attack was already enough to drown them twice over.

20 points

I recently got a cat that I named Fraldinha (“Skirt Steak” in Portuguese) because the person that gave it up had named it Li-Fraumeni after a genetic syndrome. He is now called Felipinho (Lil’ Phillip), but also answers to Pest and Toe-biting son of a b****.


Let me introduce to you the Brazilian hot dog:

In my region of Brazil we have three flavors (!!!) of hot dog: beef (filled with meaty Bolognese), chicken (shredded chicken cooked in tomato sauce) and mixed (both; yes, BOTH!!).

Things Brazilians put in hotdogs:

  • Hot dogs. How many, you ask? Well, how many do you want?
  • Corn
  • Peas
  • Ground beef
  • Chicken
  • Cheese
  • Cabbage
  • Vinaigrette
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Bacon
  • Crispy straw potatoes
  • Olives
  • Cooked quail eggs