
commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]

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oh damn, that “reliant… on the technology improving at an unrealistic pace”… not to give too much info on myself, but i have a background of research in aerospace in the West. The amount of academic cope that exists around hypersonic rockets and commercial supersonic jets is astounding, and it feels exactly like that. Every article about how close we are just says “we just need materials to maintain the exact benefits of current ones and be 60% lighter, then we are there, so we are basically already there”. I wrote one of those papers with that conclusion and just felt like I was just lying for the credit, then everyone was excited like it mattered at all lol

I think this is just a super broad phenomenon when it comes to slowed research held back by other fields. But I also dont think western capitalist countries have many methods to get around this except for secret and centralized organisations, but those have dwindled to almost not existing in the context of scientific and technological creation


Sorry, I’m not understanding your comment I think. What do you agree with and agree less with? The video or something in my comment? For now: assuming you meant the video, in which case: yes Comrade, good agreement with me, who is always correct.


Been convinced for a while that Ecclesiastes a pretty good philosophy book is for the time. At least a super interesting view of the period from someone thinking deeply about the zeitgeist. Definitely not a book of the people, though I have no idea how the average person thought back then


I was surprised about the anarchist’s positions on all of the heriarchical resistance movements of Palestine. Didn’t once call them authoritarian, I think. Seems pretty good in that regard. But the glorifying of the protests in the US seems weak. I wanted them to do good and be good but they ultimately achieved little if anything at all, and should be seen in that light. Not as some glorious bonking of police heads… Otherwise its good agitprop in that this person clearly speaks and understands Hebrew, is jewish, knows of Israelis that lost family, and is taking the correct side on genocide anyways.


I literally can’t imagine a better method of destroying the US empire than these sanctions


Maybe, but this principle feels still reactionary in this case, depending on your presented solution. For now, we are more progressive towards our communist goals and better off with the self-checkout. It is a more centralized and efficient option in general. The problem isn’t the fact that we are doing work for free that someone else should be paid for, it’s that we should socialize the results of that free work in dropping prices and investing that labour elsewhere. Otherwise we’re just re-privatizing the half of a process that’s closer to socialization.

I don’t think I’m necessarily complaining about your position here, you could just be using this phrase and agreeing, but I often see this phrasing followed by the reactionary “we can finally have normal lines and clerks like we used to have”. Giving them that job back now (in full amounts, like before self-checkout lowered the amount) just results in even lower pay for those people and decreases every other benefit from it. There’s never a going back in these cases which won’t result in much worse things and further from a workable position strategically…


Proud of our strong filter. It’s the strongest filter, isn’t it?

But I also have no idea what word that was. It feels weird to be thinking so hard about it but “…rdly” just gets me. I have no idea what word could come before that and be a slur

I guess my slur-dar is not very good
