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Defence lawyer Sean O’Brien told the Star that she will still need help because she has spent most of her life in prison and was ineligible for social security.

So she was locked up for a crime she didn’t commit and was straight up framed by cops to protect one of their own, was prevented from working for her entire life, and now she’s of retirement age and can’t even get social security or a pension or nothing. Simply atrocious. I hope the inevitable lawsuit is worth millions.


macOS has something to this effect where if it detects too many kernel panics in a row on boot it will disable all kernel extensions on the next reboot and it pops up a message explaining this. I’ve had this happen to me when my GPU was slowly dying. It eventually did bite the dust on me, but it did let me get into the system a few times to get what I needed before it was kaput.


The Vulcan credo was IDIC — Infinite Diversity In Infinite Combinations.


Let’s not forget:

  • The Kiss
  • white/black Riddler duking it out with black/white guy in an allegory to race relations
  • Abraham Lincoln calling Uhura a “a charming negress” followed by a brief discussion about the future’s take on linguistics and equality
  • the pilot episode had a woman named Number One who was so named because she was number one at everything she did. She excelled at all the things on the ship. A woman being better than men? Impossible. That’s woke.
  • the Enterprise and a bunch of klingons once showed up to a planet so woke they ended war and used space magic to make the humans and klingons also do no wars in their vicinity.
  • in another episode the Enterprise went to a planet that still had war but they calculated the results of battles using a video game console and then sent casualties to their death in a disintegration chamber and the Kirk blew up the video game console to force them to either negotiate or go back to actual war as a lesson in ignoring the Prime Directive directly.
  • there was a Nazi planet and the Nazis were the bad guys.
  • there was also a Yankee planet where they somehow independently wrote the Declaration of Independence in broken pidgin English and used it to defeat the Space Soviets.
  • the episode where Kirk and a woman exchange bodies was… not handled well and is not a good example.
  • the klingons were soviets, btw.
  • basically every episode of the original series had something “woke”, okay? It was literally the whole point of the series.

Nah this is pure Peanuts. I mean look at them. If that ain’t Charlie Brown and Lucy then I don’t know what’s what anymore.


Pack, man.
