If you’re scared of getting caught, print smaller stickers. That way you can remove the back in your pocket, palm the sticker, lean on a wall/window to check your shoe for example, and continue walking.
The point is just to not draw unnecessary attention to yourself by doing anything out of the ordinary. Pickpockets should be a good source of inspiration since they also work in high traffic areas while being unnoticed.
Try Nobara, it’s Fedora but with sane defaults. IMO it’s the best of the (relatively) stable distros. The main downside is that Fedora will remove x11 support in the future versions.
I’ve recently moved from Arch based distros because I was tired of having to fix minor crap all the time. I went through Debian, MX, Mint, and Opensuse during that period.
Guix as an OS made me shit myself, yell at the computer many times, and curse David from System Crafters for ever showing it to the world. And that’s with almost 10 years of Emacs experience, a loooot more Linux experience, and good enough scheme to muddle through.
It’s great as a supplementary PM though. And when used in that way you get everything guix offers appart from system configuration, but you get to use other PMs, like the ones required by the programming language you’re using.
Arco B was how I experimented with DEs and WMs. It’s got the widest support from the installer, but it’s mostly limited to having unified shortcuts.
I suggest using a VM or an install specifically for that purpose, just so you don’t have to clean everything up afterwards.