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Now LLMs are even taking the jobs of professional trolls! What’s gonna be next? The scambots loosing their jobs to LLMs?!


I feel ya. Mentioned that Windows doesn’t actually shut down when you press the “shutdown” button to a friend a few days ago, we were talking about best cleaning practices and he just looked at me like I was stupid. I elected to just drop the topic instead of explaining the whole Fast Startup mess.


Oh no, it’s very difficult, especially on the scale of LLMs.

That said, we others (those of us who have any amount of respect towards ourselves, our craft, and our fellow human) have been sourcing our data carefully since way before NNs, such as asking the relevant authority for it (ex. asking the post house for images of handwritten destinations).

Is this slow and cumbersome? Oh yes. But it delays the need for over-restrictive laws, just like with RC crafts before drones. And by extension, it allows those who could not source the material they needed through conventional means, or those small new startups with no idea what they were doing, to skim the gray border and still get a small and hopefully usable dataset.

And now, someone had the grand idea to not only scour and scavenge the whole internet with no abandon, but also boast about it. So now everyone gets punished.

At last: don’t get me wrong, laws are good (duh), but less restrictive or incomplete laws can be nice as long as everyone respects each other. I’m excited to see what the future brings in this regard, but I hate the idea that those who facilitated this change likely are the only ones to go free.


The video’s title is rather unfortunate, given the recent presence of the anti-Linux bandit on Lemmy.

That said, going by the comments on yt it might be an interesting video with a misleading title.


Very interesting, and good to hear.

Though, I’m not sure why they would drive a turbine to drive a generator, instead of just driving the generator directly. Their illustration doesn’t show any turbines either.


“Fixed issue with ssl python libs,” or “Minor bugfixes.”

In other news, never work more than one person on a branch (that’s why we have them). Make a new related issue with its own branch and rebase whenever necessary, and don’t even think about touching main or dev with anything but a properly reviewed and approved PR (in case they aren’t already protected), or I’ll find and report you to the same authority that handles all the failed sudo requests!

Also, companies that disable rebasing are my bane. While you can absolutely do without, i much prefer to have less conflicts, cleaner branches and commits, easier method to pull in new changes from dev, overall better times for the reviewer, and the list goes on. Though, the intern rewriting multiple branches’ history which they have no business pushing to is also rather annoying.


Micro transactions for non-cosmetic items, such as weapons, skill points, dlc, etc… Especially on a game you already bought.

Oh, and adding a game breaking anticheat/DRM to a already launched game. Scrap that, anticheat/DRM in general. If you have to do it, at least do it right.


Haven’t heard about that one, thank you for the heads-up.

First impressions:

  • From top 10 artists i follow:
    • 5/10 have profile and uploaded at least one song on Bandcamp.
    • 3/10 have an account on Audius (possibility to donate).
    • 1/10 has uploaded at least one song on Audius.
  • One MUST upload a profile picture to create an account.
    • About 1/3 of proposed artists during account creation have uploaded <5 songs, most seem to be remix and cover artists.
    • Didn’t figure out how to search for artists during account creation, ended up choosing 2/3 artists I’ve never heard of.
  • Not immediately apparent whether I can download bought music to a lossless format.
  • Not sure how to buy album or individual song at first glance.
  • LOTS of remixes and covers, not so much original songs (this is both good and bad).
  • Nice that you can donate arbitrary amount without buying anything, in case you already got the music from… other places…
    • I didn’t find anyplace where “$AUDIO” is explained, how much the artist receives, or what you receive if anything.

Less relevant observations:

  • weird pause/play button, sometimes there’s just a loading wheel spinning where it’s supposed to be, not really functional.
  • Slightly intrusive, had to disable some plugins (Javascript (obviously it’s playing music) and fingerprinting (cloudflare?)) for the site to load. Not relevant to music, but just a general observation since we’re in the piracy community.

Not much going on by now, but it probably just needs some time to grow and assimilate the likely soon-to-be-migrating Bandcamp user base. I’ll keep an eye on it, and probably revisit it once more artists have migrated to it.

20 points
