That was a very thoughtfully written response. I can relate to a lot of your story and agree with your conclusions. There needs to be more outlets for men as an alternative to right wing communities. I hope you meet more liberals and feminists that are open-minded to men’s hardships. I have to believe there are more reasonable people out there on the left than not.
I sincerely hope the European powers will overcome their internal politics and the rightward slide many of them seem to be on, and cooperate more closely for the world’s sake. I want to be hopeful for the climate and humanity.
Hopefully Canada will stick with Europe rather than the US ideologically, but with how things are going here we seem farther along on our rightward slide.
God has abandoned us it seems
The game companies doing this shit will eventually incur the wrath of Gaben 👀️
Knowing the incompetence of Microsoft is making me re-think my pro-nuclear stance…maybe it should be banned.
Trudeau really is just going to tow the party line to his proverbial grave. I can’t remember the last time I saw a positive story about this party.