The own website you got the image from says that is mixed factuality https://web.archive.org/web/20230624204530/https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/1956-republican-platform/
That’s a defeatist additute. You can be a realist withotu being a defeatist. There’s always hope. I probably have as little faith in electoral politics as you do, but forming real relationships with real neighbors we can actually create the world our politicians would never support.
I don’t think so. In Michigan, for example, seven parties have auotmatic ballot access for the general election. Often people will say the would prefer one of the so-called third party candidates, but they just cant’ vote for them this year because the greater of two evils is so incredibly evil but next year will be different.
some “intercontinental” champion ;-) But timing this so he can’t compete in Austria sucks. I hate American immigration laws.